Mon 27 Jan
💋💋lets fullfill ur hidden desires and fantasies💋💋 - 23
(Cleveland, airport area west side cleveland)
LET == ME -- T_A_K_E __o★o° _ Y_O_U_R_ °o★o° _B_R_E_A_T_H_ °o★o° _A_W_A_Y - 25
(Same person new number)
👑💎【LeT mE】▬【MAkE】▬╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯🚺 【YoUR】▬✿★✿▬ 【DREaMs】╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯💟 【BEcOmE】▬💨💨💨▬【REALITY💋 - 25 - 21
(Cleveland, Northfield ,Warrensville)
Let me be your best kept secret, Classy Blonde Cougar with amazing skills - 42
(Cleveland, Westside)
LOOK ⇨ツ⇨♥⇨★ B.E.A.U T.I.F.U.L ツツ PeTiTe Princess ★ 1 Of A Kind ✔ Real & Uscale - 21
(Cleveland, cleveland(in/outcall))
LooK!! »»WoW ToTaL PaCKaGe »» !pETiT CaRaMeL! »» A MuSt See !! »» -iNsAnE mOuTh SkiLLs w/FaT aSs - 24
(ClEvElAnD AiRpOrT ArEa {incalls only})
Look no further〰🔛🔝Available Now Call now 【niCє bѺѺ+¥【cUτ★Face【spaNKaBℓε αSS】★~ 🌴 - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland /24hr)
🍬 Lollipop 🍭 Licking👅 GOOD👑 Don't let me pass you by👯 - 26
(Cleveland, Cleveland Outcall Only Everywhere)
LOOK----> + ((One)) + {"☆"} + ((BaDD)) + {"☆"} + A*Z*Z* --+-- MixXeD Be@uTy! - 24
(★Mentor in)(out specials★)
* Lo0K==== ► [ S E X Y ] * T.h.i.C.k - L.a.T.i.N.a * [CuTiE w/ Bo0TY] * [1o0% FuN & ClAsSy] * - 25
(Cleveland, ★ AIRPORT ★)
Limited Time 💋I Love What I Do 💋 Exotic, F!3xAb!3 Naughty Wild Sweatheart With AmAzinG SkiLls - 25
(Cleveland, outcalls)
lips hips and finger tips and tight gripes out call only !!!! - 25
(Cleveland, cleveland westside Cleveland)
🎀LIFE SIZE BARBIE DOLL🎀 💅Upscale 👽Exotic 💋 Super Sexy One Of A Kind__ Tall and Slim - 20
(Cleveland, OUTCALL !!!!)
Lets start your week off right me now date me later 60$pecials NEW PICS - 22
(Cleveland, s. euclid incall- outcall to hotels only)
Let Me Treat You Like A 👑KING! 👑• ☆• ★• Simply The Best - TONED Petite Hottie • ★•→→ 80 SpECiALs - 24
(Cleveland, Westside In/Outcalls)
Let Me Be Your Valentine's Day Secret Call Now 80hhr Only Outcall Special - 25
(Cleveland, Northfield / Surrounding)
❤ ❤•• ❤███ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂ Leaving At 2 am Don't Miss Out. Call Now▅ ▆ ███ ❤•• ❤ ❤ - 25
(Cleveland, WarrensVille / Surrounding In/Out)
💖💖💆💆💆💆💆 Lea Micheals & Nicole Chambers GFM Tandem Session {255} 366- 7793 or (216) 217-7688 - 27
(Cleveland, Southeast Cleveland)
LEAH!! (SPECIAL)$100 QV OUT CALL!! Well Reviewed!!(216)465-0385 - 22
***LOOKING * * 4 * * SOME * * ACTION *** 24/7 in/outcall specials - 20
Looking for a good time call me specials alll day and night 100 roses.... - 21
(Cleveland- Independence)
→→LoOk No FuRtHeR←← ★KiNkY fREkY sExY★ PuErTo RiCaN mAmI cAlL mE →→FENDI - 24
(Cleveland, AiRpOrt ArEa InCaLl OnLy)
~* LOOK *~ WHO'S *~ BACK!!! ~* SWEET ~* TASTING ~* MOCHA ~*~ *~24/7 cum & enjoy - 21
(Willoughby, Independence, Fairlawn area)
LOOK ⇨ツ⇨♥⇨★ InTOxiCatingツツ PeTiTe Princess ★ One Of A Kind ✔ Real & Uscale«--- - 21
(Cleveland, cleveland (in/outcall))
LONG LEG DIVA HERE INTOWN GET ITS while its HOT call me right NOW 3134219930 - 25
➹L°°K!☜ [(✰ⓒ ⓤ ⓣ ⓘ ⓔ wίтħa Bøø✟y✰)] ❥ δωεε† ₰ δε∂υ©†¡√ε ❥ ◈GaυяαηтεεD ΤΟ βℓΟω γΟυr ΜιηD✧◈ * - 20
(Cleveland, West Side/Airport Area Incalls)
Lickity Split This Girl has a Thick C..t. Biggest in the bizz! New Number 216 323 6917 - 25
Lets spend some time together💙💙💙💙40 80 100❤❤❤special💜💜💜💜💜 - 28
(Cleveland, Northfield RACINO AREA INCALLS ONLY)
LEGS Stockngs PANTYHOSE Heels Pedicured Toes KIissable FEET For Your FETISH PLEASURE - 50
(Cleveland, Brook Park - Cleveland)
***Let JAZZMINE BOUNCE *** these CHEECKS on YOU !!!!! Incall ONLY 216 210 2441 - 26
(Cleveland, ur place /or mines OLDBROOKLY)
[=°L€AV!N SOON °[ SUP€® F®€AK¥ ] =]° °[= [ B!G =BØØTY ] =]° G®€AT ®AT€S! - 26
(Cleveland, ✧ :::AIRPORT AREA ::: ✧)
((( LOOK NOW )))👀👓 °°TiGhT GRiP✊ Th@t WoN't SLiP👅 ALtHouGh 💧💦W€t & SLiPp€rY💧💦 - 20
LOOK!! »»WoW »» ~SeXXi EbOnY! »» A MuSt See »» -BuBBLe BooTY---» lImItEd TiMe - 20
(MeNtOr Incall/outcall)