Mon 27 Jan
LoOk WhO's ToUrInG (( WiLLoUgHbY MeNtOr )) √ Me OuT ! (( NeW )) - 19
🎀🎀🎀 Looking for A Few Good Men 😘 216-466-7819!🎀🎀 - 45
(Akron/Canton, Cleveland, Cleveland West, Columbus)
Lola🌸🌸 Soooo soft and ready😌 🍭🍫‼️ BBW 🍒🍑💦 Clean juicy and tight ...discreet with no rush‼️ 2164872524 - 24
(Beachwood, Cleveland)
********* L@@K------- L@@K ----- YES !!!!! the SEXIEST B.B.W S in CLEVELAND ******** - 28
Local Playmate for *ALL* Your Erotic Desires - 19
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, In town, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville)
- L!M!TED TIME - [[ BLoNDE ]] Sexy w/ Big BooBs - NeW To AreA - Come get me b4 im Gone - 19
(M E N T O R)
*Lexi* Looking for That Girl Next Door ? Quick visit$70 &$100 half hour! 216-355-6829 TER reviewed - 29
(W.150th&I-71; private residence!)
Lets Make a Movie Your The Star Of the Show 1.2.3 Call Me 4 Action fetish friendly in/out spcls - 25 - 25
(Cleveland, cleveland and surrounding)
🌟🌟🌟 Let's make our own firework show!!! 🌟🌟🌟 - 22
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
Made by MATEL.. But not your average Barbie..The Perfect UpScale Choice... - 25
(Rockside Area/Cleveland & Surrounding)
Majesty got the right type of thing for you do not miss out - 21
(Cleveland, euclid in calls n out calls)
★* ;°M°A °G° I °C° A °L°L°Y ° -:+:- ° D°E °L°I °C° I° O°U ° S° ★ - 19
(Cleveland, beechwood/ in&out;)
°♥° M A KE°** MY NAUGHTY KI TTY KAT ** PUR R °♥° - 26
(eastside suburb)
~*~ ✰ LUNCH Special ... and i wanna ~*GET YOU UP*~ and off to GOOD START today! - 24
Lunchtime Specials with True 40G's! ~**~**~**~ Voluptuous Busty Brunette - 38
(Incall Available * Outcalls ANYWHERE)
Lorain County ((42 G BUST)) Arabic/Latino Waiting On Your Call! 614-547-9104 - 26
(Cleveland, Discreet Incall Lorain / Elyria)
👉👉👉 Looking for a Discreet RENDEZVOUS With A Hot BLONDE? OUTCALLS TOO!!! 👈👈👈 - 26
(Cleveland, 90 west 117th or 480 and Tiedeman)
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟LOOK Here Best Specials In 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟Town!!!!PLEASE READ!!! - 22
(Cleveland, downtown in&out; calls)
@LL N!6HT & @LL D@Y! B@CK !N oWN! C@LL 2166457429 T0M0RR0W 2! S!MUL@!0N 0R TW3RK!NG! 1OO $P3C!@L! - 31
(Cleveland, Cleveland, Ohio (Fantasy/ Outcalls Only))
[ßLØND ßÂD G¡RL] {¡M WHÄT U WANT} {{¡'M §Ø GØØD ¡LL HÂV U}} [[§PÂK¡NG ¡N ØNGU]] - 22
(Cleveland, ♥ Airport 24hr Incall OnLy♥)
LIVE -n- DA Flesh JuIcY J. JoSlYn In FULL Effect!!!!!! More me Please!!! Earlybird specials. - 27
{{LIMITED TIME }} ___ *K.I.N.K.Y *bL0NDE * __*AvAiLaBLe N0W * __* LoW SpEciAls {{Well Reviewed}} - 22
(:::::..... M.E.N.T.O.R .....::::::)
Lets Play Together! I Am Ready For Fun! - 19
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
*Lexi* (216) 355-6829 $$90 Half WEEKEND Specials! T.E.R. ID# 132764 & 117401 - 29
(W.150th&I-71; private residence!)
LEXI#117401& #132764 on T.E.R!, (216) 355-6829$70 Quik SPECIAL $100hh Ex-dancer! - 29
(W.150th & I-71 Private Residence)
💛💙💜💚Lovely black and Asian princess willing to fulfill your every need💛💙💜💚 - 26
(Cleveland, East Columbus)
LoVeS To sPoiL & bE SpoiLeD... ((( NaTural rEd))) (((Very Open Minded))) - 28
(Cleveland, downtown,lakewood,surrounding area)
Looking for VOYEURS - Watch young hot couple's intimate play, Her 19, Him 26 - 19
(Cleveland / North Royalton)
Looking For A Cute Upscale Independent and Drama Free Girl? You've Found Her! Call Me Now- Jhazmine - 24
(Cleveland, Cleveland, Ohio)
LOOK ••••••••► •*¨¨*•-:¦:* ELITE •-:¦:-•* InToXiCaTiNg *•-:¦:-•* UPSCALE BoDy of GoDDeSS•*¨¨*• - 25
(Cleveland, Westside)
LonG DaY ? ReLaX W/ CreAm LaFlaIR ``````` CrAzY SpEcIaLs~~~ caLL NoW - 25
(Cleveland, EuClId~MeNTor~WiLLoughby incall & outcal)
💗 Lips 💋 Hips 💕 And 💗 Finger~ tips 💜 Come 💋 Now 💋 Not 💋 Later! 100% Real Mixed PlaYmaTe - 19
(Cleveland, airport incall)
Little delite all bored lets make things interesting and out us together:) - 19
(Cleveland- Independence)
♥ Lets relax and pass the stormy weather TOGETHER! ♥ CALL ME!!! ♥ clean, classy&sassy; - 25
(Cleveland, ✧ :::WILLOUGHBY AREA ::: ✧)
*Lexi* (216) 355-6829 Great Reviews at T.E.R. I.D.#132764 & I.D.#117401 24/7 Availability! - 29
(W.150th&I-71; private residence!)
Lets Start this new year off with a BANG!!! - 22
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, everywhere, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesvi)