Fri 03 Jan
NEW PICS!! ❤☞Come Play☜❤ With A HOT Exotic CaRaMeL CuTiE ツ【SL¡ppєrY & T¡GHT» Your #1 ▆PlayMate - 21
(Cleveland, Downtown/Eastside~leavin soon)
NEW GIRL in Town with Killer Curves and a Soothing Touch... - 19
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
New Girl Ebony Ready To Please You In Bedford Tonight Incalls Only!!! $100hh $160hr - 21
(Cleveland, Bedford Solon & Northfield rd)
NEW PICS*★ P L E A S U R E Z O N E ★*216 *456-5511 - 21
NeW pIcS!! *===* tEnDeR tOuCh *===* DANGeROUS SkillS *===* AvAiLABLe NOW *===* - 19
NEW PICS*75 SpEcIaLs..OPEN 24hrs FRI & SAT* THiCk CuTiE w/A "ApPLe BoTToM Booty" that U CaN'T ReSisT - 29
(Cleveland, Cleveland and surrounding suburbs)
☆NEW in TOWN ▬▬★★ ▬ Ultimate PLEASURE ZONE... ▬▬ ★★ [××] GREAT GIRLFRIEND 2 THE MAXX [××] - 23
(Cleveland, BrookPArk INCALL)
New pic ✔💰Miracle up scale look💰 at the best pretty young thing 216-379-1018 - 22
(Cleveland, out call every where cleveland)
NeW 2 ThE BuSiNeSs ♥ ( S.E.X.Y ) *LaTiNa PlAyMaTe* ( L.I.M.I.T.E.D T.I.M.E ) ♥ - 25
(Cleveland, ★NEAR THE AIRPORT★)
**NEW** :¦: :¦:L O O K :¦: :YOU'RE: :GONNA: :¦:LOVE:¦: :ME - 22
NeW * ((GOrgEOUs!! )) * sMall wAIst * !! bUbble bOoTy !! EBonY CutTIe ::((SPECIALS!!)) - 18
(Cleveland, ❀::: OUTCALLS:::❀)
💖New💋☺CoMe ⤵FaLL 🎊iN 💞LoVe 👯WiTh ℳγ 🍉Jμ¡©¥ 🍭gRiP ⭐MiNd 💨BL¤₩¡NG 👅LiPs & 👣ToE 🎀cUrLiNg 💜 - 21
(Cleveland, Outcalls ❤️💎)
NEW!!! EXOTIC EROTIC Sensual Pleasure Exceeding all expectations!!! - 22
(Cleveland, cleveland east shaker square)
♨New Arrival🍸🍸BEAUTY 🍒Thick Sexy GOddEss 😍💋Come Feast Ur 👀 on THIS🌹AVAILABLE NOW 🌹 - 23
(Cleveland, toledo-columbus-akron- ALL OVER)
✘ ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ M A K I N G D R E A M S C O M E T R U E ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ✘ ✘ Highly Reviewed - 21
(Cleveland, westside in/outcall (very safe & secured)
M y $k!LLd LiP$ & M@g!c HiP$ Will M@k3 Ur BoDy {{ ROCK}} - 26
(Cleveland, Cleveland,Shaker,WarrensVille, Bedford)
M🍌YuM❤ YuM 💢 CⓞMⓔ ☆GeT🍭YoU👅 §ⓞmⓔ🍭 ✦💞BeAutIFuL💞✦✦🌹•-:¦: •T✪TAL ❌👊👊👊 - 23
Mature Plus Sized Beauty - Sweet Naomi - Spoiling is my Speciality - 42
(Cleveland, Macedonia (Rt 8 / 271))
***Miss Bad Princess Diamond Cut*** Specails 65 - 21
(Cleveland, Nortflied/Lee/%Warrensville/Arkon/Milles)
Loving,Passionate,and Exôtìç ïß a moment with pink and cherry!!!! - 21
(Cleveland, upscale areas,only outgoing calls)
L@st 2 D@yz heRe!!!...W!T Ch3rokeE!!! B@Ng!N BoDy GooD3$$...@MuST SeE!!! Cl!cK h3rE>>> - 24
(Cleveland, Cleveland OUTCALLS only)
Miss creamy the yellow bone goddess is New in town!!!! Be the first to meet me~~ :) Oc/Ic - 19
(Cleveland, Cleveland area all)
★★★★★ Looking For A SECRET Getaway With A Super Sexy Blonde? (440) 494-4067 ★☆★☆★☆Call Me ;) - 26
(Cleveland, 90 w117th or 480 and Tiedeman!)
°°•★•°° M0uTHWaTERiNG °°•★•°° PETiTE SeXY °°•★•°° IM GORGEOUS & Kissable Whats Your DESIRE! - 21
(Cleveland, Westside Incall Only)
MaRlEy !! 🙌🏻😍👸🏼☀️Let me be your valentine❤️ALWAYS DISCREET 😻🍭🍦 HIGHLY REVIEWED! 🏆🌟 OUTCALLONLY🚙 - 22
(Cleveland, OUTCALL ONLY!! ☺️💗😘)
Married Mans Best Kept Secret - SPECIALS All Night! - 19
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
Miss BARBIE !!! Just call ! and I'll come to you!!!! 24/7 **Special *100* - 27
(Cleveland, east/downtown/west)
🌹MIA Baby🌹 BEAUTIFUL_______ and________ SWEET💋💋💋💧💧Come get This good good 💋 - 24
(Cleveland, Cleveland/Shaker Hts,Ohio)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) L•O•O•K•••►【 KiLLeR BoDy 】★【 WAiTiNg 4 YoU 】★【 HiGhLy SKiLLeD 】 5-★ ★ ★★ ★ - 27
(Cleveland, West side airport HuRR¥ ℓεαVιng §θθη)
M o s t W a n t e d 📷 B l o n d e 💯 R e a l P h o t o s% 2166304032📞 - 22
(Cleveland, {Downtown In and Out call})
L(o) (o)K ⇨ ° HiGhLY AdDiCTiNg ツ °5☆ SeRvICe ° AmAziNg SKiLLs ° Leaving Soon - 21
([[ WeStSiDe iNCAll ]])
Lola and Lilly for Sensual BDSM, Fantasy, and Fetish -- SPRING FLING FANTASY SPECIALS!!!! - 50
(Cleveland, Brookpark - Cleveland)
LOOK!! IM BETTER THEN HER.. you will be PLEASED.. promise. :) - 23
(Cleveland, incalls west side of Cleveland)