Fri 03 Jan
%° PssSsT _ °o° LOoK °o° HeRE ° °★° ° { I HaVe A SeCReT to TELL} ☆U ★25 - 25
(Cleveland, Cleveland and all surrounding areas)
¤¤PoPuL@r DeM@nD $100 SpEci@Ls ¤¤ ReLe@sE Ur StReSs ¤¤ CoMe & GeT Ur He@d RiGhT - 19
(Cleveland, ★::: OUTCALL ONLY :::★)
puerto rican bombshell leaving town incall&outcall; specials last few days in town call now
(Columbus, East Columbus)
★°.___ QUESTION: What do YOU desire? I know exactly what you NEED! __.°★ - 27
:¦:-::*PLeAsUrE {LiKe }:( NeVer )♥ BeFoRe {XxXcLuSiVe ♥ DIRTY * LiTTLE * SECRET - 24
`*• ¸ ¸•*´¨ PETITE¨ `*•. ¸ ¸ .•*´¨CURVY¨`*• ¸ ¸ .•*´¨.B.L.O.N.D.E. `*•. ¸ ¸ .•*´¨BOMBSHELL `*•.¸•*´¨ - 23
(Cleveland, Cleveland/OUTCALL)
Petite*** Sweet*** Chocolate*** Treat ~*~*Always Sumthing Good To Eat*** Don't miss out! - 22
(I-480 & 77 (my own place))
P_E_R_F_E_C_T __((( BRUNETTE )))__ --♥-PETITE -♥-HOT -♥-SEXY ((GREAT REVIEWS)) - 20
(Cleveland, Independence)
🎀❤Pretty Face❤❤❤❤❤Fat Azz ♥❤❤❤❤Skillz of A P⭕rnst@r ❤❤❤❤❤❤&❤Clean ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤New Uploads to My Website - 20
(Cleveland, 💋 Mayfield 👠💋Leaving Soon)
Pretty Girls are hard to find! Number #1 Knockout .Alluring & Amazing ##### Amber is better ! ! ! ! - 27
*perky t*tts....slim waist babydoll face* {new .pics. Will be up thurs. After 6} ;-) - 21
(Cleveland, In/outcalls...24/7...anywhere)
$$$$Pinky And Tiff - Hand in Hand at Full Throttle, Satisfaction to the Fullest $$$ - 23
Play Date w/Melonie & Luscious ****Specials All Night & Morning**** Call Now! - 22
(Cleveland, cleveland - incall ONLY!)
P_ _R _ F_ _C_T __B_o_D_Y _( ( AMAZING) )__P_ l _ A_ y _ M _a _ T_e!! SPECIALS 24/7 - 25
(Cleveland, westside)
P_E_R_F_E_C_T! __((( PETITE )))__ -- ♥- HOT -♥- SEXY -♥- READY - - 21
(Cleveland, Willoughby Area /Incalls Only)
• ★☆—§PaNkABL€ BoOt¥ ♚•☆•((SuPeR BaDD BOMBSHELL)) •☆• §K¡LL€D L¡P§ & T¡GHT GR¡P§ •☆ UP ALL NIGHT - 27
(Cleveland, =♥= [[ AIRPORT AREA]] =♥=)
~*~ NeW ~*~ To ~*~ ToWn ~*~ YoUnG ~*~ SeXy ~*~ WaNtINg ~*~ HaViNg ~*~ FuN - 23
(cleveland 24hr incall)
NEWEST ESCORT SERVICE in cleveland! Donations for any budget. Spanish/ blk wht/ eygptian all RACES! - 21
New Pics →LATINA← Open to Fetishes Very Open minded →FENDI← Let me please you - 24
(Cleveland, incall by the airport)
New pics new client discount attractive fun & I can actually carry on a conversation - 32
New Photos ! Erotic Vixen Visiting Cleveland Today Scheduling now....... - 24
(Cleveland, Independence Cleveland Incall Only!!)
💋 💋 ŃĂÚĞĤŤŶ_•♛• ⭐💁 NEW ❤❤ -- SEXY - *Mz. JUICEY 💋IS BAck 💋 {OuTCall~INCall} - 25
(Cleveland, cleveland easT)
♡☆♡NEW PICS..50$$ SPECIALS all day....dont miss out!!♡☆♡ - 26
(Cleveland, Local in and out call off 77)
♔ New. NEW..ThE OnE YoU WaNt *°SeNsUaL PriNceSs°* HOT & SWEET Up ALL NiTe ♔ - 23
(InDePeNdEnCe*** IN//OUT)
NEW in Town Sexy hot CARMAR PETTIE FREAK don't miss me 614-758-8031 - 19
(Cleveland, Incall Cleveland airport)
- NeW - ( LasT NiGhT SpeCiaLs) VerY Op3nMinded & VerY FriendlY ( 24hrs) CoKe FiGure ( BLonde) - 19
(airport area)
💕❤️ _____ New In Town _____ ❣ ( TROPICAL ) ❣ _____ ❣ 100_ 🍒😻💋 _____ ❣ _____ ASIAN - 22
New to the Area, looking to meet new people and have some Fun, I will be awake till 8am. - 26
♥(New Top Notch Barbie) Bella Is Real! Come get Spoiled and Treated Like a King♥ $100 Specials - 21
(Cleveland, Hopkins Airport, North Olmsted, Westside)
New # Sweet Honey Is Available Right NOw OutCall I'll Take Care Of You😘☺️ - 23
(Cleveland, Downtown/ Cleveland hts/ Coventry / e.c)
🍰💯 NEW PICS!!! SPECIALS 70$ 100$ 160$☆ ⭐️ Service░ 🍭💕# ❶ PLAYMATE🍓 - 27
(Cleveland, North Olmsted, in call only)
New New Pu$$y Unbeatable Starting @ $40.00 Prices On THe PAge Click 248 796 2001 - 25
(cleveland incall Outcall)
***New On The Scene , Candy Shop Open***Ebony , Puerto Rican princess*** - 23
(Cleveland, Beachwood/Westside / Cleveland)
New Juicy B👀ty **MUST SEE** (G_o_R_g_E_o_U_s )°°•★•°° (CaraMeL SENSATION) 100% Me 😘 - 22
(Cleveland, Downtown Area INCALLS Only)
NeW PLaTiNuM BLoNde ThicK BooTie SexY BodY SHorT SpeciaLs VerY Op3nMinded - 19
(willoughby area)
New Pics 💕💯%ℛrεaℓ PHOTOS✋✋STOP ✋✋ ♡♡🍭🍭 Tasty treat💁 - 20
(Cleveland, Pearl rd./Strongsville/Westside)
(((Cum Spank Me))) {{HoRny}} Nympho Waiting to Ride {{ YoU}} ((Wet N Juicy )) - 23
(cleve outcalls only)
New Pics...$50qv $pEciAL...CoMe N FeeL THIS JuiCe BOX ALL OvEr UR...w/5🌟 MAD SKILLZZZ 2 PrOVe IT!! - 28
(Cleveland, GaRFiELD Hts INCALL ONLY)
✨NEW IN TOWN Specials ✨l🎓College fun 😍😘one nite in heaven💋✨💖 - 23
(Cleveland, Downtown Cleveland area Treemont airport)
" NeW LaTiNa____ •$80* • ____ $eXy BoDy %100 REAL• * • ____ DoLl Fac€ ___ • * • ____ AvAiLaBlE NoW - 25
(Cleveland, OUT/IN NO AREA TO FAR)
new ** H O T ♥ ]:::: ** D o M i N i C a N ** ::::[ ♥ G I R L ** ready :::[ aLL DaY ]::: - 22
(✦ Airport Area ✦)
New rates and 24 hours a day TEXT Makenzie 216-971-9963 - 29
(Cleveland, cleveland east new # 216-971-9963)
😘New Girl "BLONDIE"😘 Here to satisfy ur EVERY NEED! Come experience FRESH MEAT! 😘 - 27
(Cleveland, Strongsville)