Mon 27 Jan
mature Busty Brazilian Beauty ..SOPHIA ... Pure Pleasure and Passion await you! Specials Today! - 33
(Cleveland, WEST)
Malynn💣 finest chocolate drop around 💯% real babe🎬 - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland Willoughby in/ out everywhere)
▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►❤ MARISSA▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►❤ BUSTY▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►❤ UPSCALE ▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►❤HOTTIE▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►❤ BLONDE▐ ▐ ► - 23
(Akron/Canton, Cleveland, Cleveland/Akron.....OUTCALL :))
MaKe Me T@P OuT! [ 100% wOrTh Ur TiMe ] _ WeLL ReVieweD _ WaiTiNg To MaKe YoU {M} {E} {L} {T} ! - 21
(MenTor AreA InCaLL//OutCaLL)
Majesty got the right type hips lips the size don't miss out top to bottom - 21
(Cleveland, east side and west side out calls)
*M0rNiNG SPECIALS* [BLoNDe] HoT & FReaKy - - - IM A PLeASeR NOT A TeASeR { VeRY OpeN-MiNDeD} - 22
(*❤* MENTOR AREA *❤*)
**Lunch Time Boys *l **NEW GIRL** 216 376 1780 4/7/12 Call now..... - 21
(Cleveland, 90 east to rout 2 get off at 91 eastlake)
Lush and Amazing BACKSIDE:: Plus sized Blonde :: Gorgeous Sexy and HOT - 28
(OUT or IN with Ella cleveland)
Loves To Spoil and Be Spoiled ((VISITTING)) - 28
(Cleveland, down town cleveland and surrounding area)
LOOK----> + ((One)) + {"☆"} + ((BaDD)) + {"☆"} + A*Z*Z* ---+-- Be@uTy!SeXxY - 24
(★Mentor/Willoughby in/out★)
~ LooK No FuRtHeR! ~ FuN * FiT * FrIeNdLy * SaFe * SeRvIcE W A SmiLe! ~ YoUr DrEaMGirl ~ - 24
(Cleveland, Westside)
💕🔷💕 Liz 🔹🌼🔹 Comfortable 🏡 incall friendly 🌸💖🌸 thin & petite 💋🌼 REAL pics 🔷 good reviews - 25
(Cleveland, West side (new location))
➹L°°K!☜[(✰ⓒ ⓤ ⓣ ⓘ ⓔ wίтħa Bøø✟y✰)] ❥D έ L i C i O u S Swέέt Cakέs❥ ◈GaυяαηтεεD ΤΟ βℓΟω γΟυr ΜιηD✧◈ * - 20
(Cleveland, Beachwood)
©ᗩLL 216-202-5254 •°oO (•♥•) Oo°•(§PƎ©Iᗩℓ) •°oO (•♥•) Oo (NOW ᗩVᗩ¡ℓᗩBℓ€) °oO (•♥•) Oo°• 216-202-5254 - 24
Limited Time Only!!!💋I Love What I Do 💋 Exotic, F!3xAb!3 Naughty Sweatheart With AmAzinG SkiLls - 25
(Cleveland, West airport area Incalls/ outcalls)
❥•ೋ Marriah ❥♥»N E W G¡®£.. *€X©£U$¡V€♥V I P •ೋ 216-816-4537 - 26
(Cleveland, Out All Day everywhere!!!!)
Let's hae some fun!! I'm bored and need someone to play with!! - 40
(Cleveland, Outcall Cleveland Area, Parma Heights)
Malynn💣 finest chocolate drop around call now for a valentins day treat💗 - 21
(Cleveland, middleburg hts parma strongsville)
MaKe Me {T_@_P} OuT ♥ { SoOo D@mN gOOd !!} ♥ XCDING ALL ♥ XPCTATION§ ♥ - 21
(**AirPorT AreA - InCaLL\OuTcaLL)
-:¦: M -:¦:- I -:¦:- N -:¦:- D -:¦:- B -:¦:- L -:¦:- O -:¦:- W -:¦:- I -:¦:- N -:¦:- G :¦:- - 23
*©ØM€ • T R € Å T • ¥ØÜRS€LF* {SÜP€R * BARBIE } *S€X¥ SP€©¡ÅLS* ÅMÅZ¡NG SK¡LLS {limited time} - 20
(Cleveland, ❀Westside In/outcall ❀)
M_A_d_E__ o★o° _ F_O_R_ °o★o° _Y_O_ U_R_ °o★o° _P_L_E_A _ S_U_R_E! - 21
(Cleveland, Downtown area in call & out call)
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬► M A T U R E ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬► E X P E R I E N C E D ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬► S E X Y ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬► - 26
(Cleveland, My Place)
LOVELY'S new number and $70.00 LIMITED TIME Deals, deals and more deals!!!! 216 647 6327 - 25
(Cleveland, Greater Cleveland areas.)
(InCall & OutCall (BrookPark))
Low Specials [v.e.r.y] ♥ O.P.E.N ♥ [m.i.n.d.e.d] ♥ K.!.N.KY ♥ [b.l.o.n.d.e] - 23
(♦ Willoughby In/Out ♦)
Love to meet Lola......Let's have some fun!!! - 24
(Cleveland, New to area..Dwntown CLeveland surround)
°°*☆( =LoVeLy = __ ★ __ =_X_o_T_¡_© = __ ★ __ =B__a_U_T_y ) °°*☆ - 19
——— ———————— ——————— ————————— ——————— Looking For Quality? —————— ——— ——————— —————— ———————— ————— - 20
(Cleveland, ———————iNDEPENDENCE 8OHH—————————————)
LoOk WhO's ToUrInG (( WiLLoUgHbY MeNtOr )) √ Me OuT ! (( NeW )) - 19
🎀🎀🎀 Looking for A Few Good Men 😘 216-466-7819!🎀🎀 - 45
(Akron/Canton, Cleveland, Cleveland West, Columbus)
Lola🌸🌸 Soooo soft and ready😌 🍭🍫‼️ BBW 🍒🍑💦 Clean juicy and tight ...discreet with no rush‼️ 2164872524 - 24
(Beachwood, Cleveland)
********* L@@K------- L@@K ----- YES !!!!! the SEXIEST B.B.W S in CLEVELAND ******** - 28
- L!M!TED TIME - [[ BLoNDE ]] Sexy w/ Big BooBs - NeW To AreA - Come get me b4 im Gone - 19
(M E N T O R)
Limited Must Have!! Pretty •Clean• Fun ((J BUST))Lady Bella Has Arrived!! Your golden BBW - 25
(Cleveland, West INCALL)
*Lexi* Looking for That Girl Next Door ? Quick visit$70 &$100 half hour! 216-355-6829 TER reviewed - 29
(W.150th&I-71; private residence!)
Lets Make a Movie Your The Star Of the Show 1.2.3 Call Me 4 Action fetish friendly in/out spcls - 25 - 25
(Cleveland, cleveland and surrounding)
Made by MATEL.. But not your average Barbie..The Perfect UpScale Choice... - 25
(Rockside Area/Cleveland & Surrounding)
Majesty got the right type of thing for you do not miss out - 21
(Cleveland, euclid in calls n out calls)
★* ;°M°A °G° I °C° A °L°L°Y ° -:+:- ° D°E °L°I °C° I° O°U ° S° ★ - 19
(Cleveland, beechwood/ in&out;)
°♥° M A KE°** MY NAUGHTY KI TTY KAT ** PUR R °♥° - 26
(eastside suburb)
LovEs tO Spoil aNd bE SpoiLeD (((Visting Sept5-15))) (((Natural Red))) - 28
(Cleveland, cleveland,lakewood,canton,akron,avon)
~*~ ✰ LUNCH Special ... and i wanna ~*GET YOU UP*~ and off to GOOD START today! - 24