Sat 04 Jan
❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ StUNNing ReDhead~!~! ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ LooKs TO Kill ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ AvAiLaBle NoW ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland/Akron)
**~*SPECIAL deals for a SPECIAL time !!! why wait ... !!!*~** - 21
(Cleveland, will travel to all cleveland areas)
SPECIAL, Ive been gone, the Special is on!!.. 216 323 6917 Lovely lady for a lovely experience. - 26
(Cleveland, Cleveland and surrounding areas)
*SEXY* New To Business!! ~*REVIEWED!!*~ *Girl Next Door Ready To Play!!* - 23
(Columbus, North Columbus - 161 & 71)
- - - - - - - - - - -((SeXy BrUnEtTe)) *♥* ((AvA!LaBlE aLL n!gHt))- - - - - - - - - - - 21
(((W!LLoUgHbY H!LLs)))
**Sexii GFE Experience Mentor Location Great Afternoon Specials** (440-228-2847) NEW PICS!!! - 22
♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥ PETITE ♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥ SLENDER ♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥ BRUNETTE ♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥ - 23
(Cleveland, Cleveland/Akron/OUTCALL)
~**★** P L E A S U R E!!! ** Z O N E!!! **★**~ - - 19
(cleveland in/out)
Pretty:)💰🎶 miracle up scale 💰 Dont look for the best let me put u to the test2⃣1⃣6⃣3⃣7⃣9⃣1⃣0⃣18⃣ - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland surrounding)
((( PeTiTe ))) ((( NEW FLAWLESS PLAYMATE)) ((((CHoCoLAtE or YELLOw))) (FREAK)) available now .!! - 20
(Cleveland, west in/out)
.*¨¨*-:¦:- *NEW IN TOWN E X O T I C __ P L A Y M A T E SPECIALS* -:¦:-*¨¨*. -- - 21 - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland,OH)
NeW PLaTiNuM BLoNde SexY BodY 4 Ft 11in SpeciaLs Op3nMinded (LeaVin ReallY SooN) - 19
(willoughby & mentor area)
New P.i.c.s❣●💋🌷 ●❣●💋 BADD •●❣●💋 petite * •●❣●💋 B.A.R.B.I.E * •●❣●💋Few hrs lft. - 21
(Cleveland, 💋480 bedford_northfeild💋)
NEW PICS**SPECIALS Avail 10a-5p** CoMe N See Why I'M the BaDDeST B**CH w/5 StAr SeRvIcE CALL NOW!! - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield htsr)
New New New.... Hot Classy Playmate Available For Classy Gentlemen Big Knockers!!!!!
(brunswick area)
NeW nUmBeR! °[= [ ==BiG sOfT BOOtY ] =]° °[= [ 100% ReaL PiCs ] =]° °[= [ BraNd nEw ] =]° - 20
(Cleveland, MenTor 24hr IncaLLs)
*NEW!*▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ SEXIEST -:¦:-GIRL -:¦:-IN TOWN ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ *NEW* - 21
(Cleveland, ♥ EASTSiDE INCALL♥ OUT 24/7♥)
💖💋💦 ☆" NEW TO TOWN" ☆➓☆➓╚» SexY E✖ΘTiC❥ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ Οη℮ Οf A ΚιηD ♥H℮R℮➋βℓΟω γΟυr Μιηd👏👏 - 24 - 23 - 23
(Cleveland, Middleburg heights/airport Cleveland)
(New) FetiSh FrieNdLy accommodating & very open minded BuSTy BaBe +=• (AVAiLABLE NOW) - 22
(Cleveland, OUTCALL ONLY)
**NEW EroTiC & ExoTiC CuBan & ITALIAN mix *Sasha* 100%REAL PicS NO DramA NO RusH - 21
MERCY! it's all in the name baby. ;] HERE F0R THE WEEKEND! LATE NIGHT SPECIALS! - 21
(Cleveland, beachwood. in and
★Mixed Exotic F!3xAb!3 Freak ☆†Õ€ CUrL¡NG ☆ H¡GHL¥ §K¡LLeÐ ☆ Aw§oM€ RevIew3S☆ - 23
(Cleveland, West Incalls / outcalls most)
LuCiOuS TrEaT ( MaKiNg ) :*: ( yOUr ) :*: ( FaNTaSy ) :*: ( A ) :*: ( REaLiTy ) KiLLeR InCaLL RaTeS! - 21
(*"*"*AirPorT AreA__24HRS *"*"*)
***Mature Sweetheart!!*** Sat night SPECIALS $$, Last Day! - 43
(South Cleveland I-77, Pitts, Cincy)
💋💋👯👯💙💙 Looking For A SECRET Getaway With The HOTTEST Blonde On Backpage? 💙💙👯👯💋💋 - 26
(Cleveland, Westside in calls)
Loves To Spoil ND bE sPOILED,, (((VISITTING))) ((NATURAL RED)) - 28
LOOK ► -:¦:- xXx -:¦:- NEW Busty [BEAUTIFUL] BraZilian &PueRto; Rican MoDeL -:¦:- xXx -:¦: - 22
looking for some * wifeless * fun ? having an affair??or just wanna have some fun??Thats me..*Missy* - 24
(Cleveland And surrounding area)
Loves To Spoil and Be Spoiled (((VISITTING))) Natural Red. visit me in LAKEWOOD - 28
(Cleveland, Cleveland lakewood canton avon)
[°×★ Madison ☆ YOUR №❶ * ¨Seductivly Sin-Full¨ Play-Date ★×°] - 22
(Cleveland, 10Mins West Of Hopkins Airport)
* L€T Me ★FiNiSH WHÂT ★Y0UR €Y€S ★ STÂRT€D ╚» √ip Ebony PlayMATE ) ❤ INCALL❤ ▓Mz.MyA▒ ☆ 100%Rεαℓ!▓☆ - 27
(Cleveland, =♥= [[ AIRPORT AREA]] =♥=)
**Lunch Time Boys *l **NEW GIRL** 216 376 1780 4/7/12 Call now..... - 21
(Cleveland, 90 east to rout 2 get off at 91 eastlake)
Let's hae some fun!! I'm bored and need someone to play with!! - 40
(Cleveland, Outcall Cleveland Area, Parma Heights)
Limited Time ONLY *125 /Hr Specials* U Won't Believe Ur Eyes *125/Hr Specials* Pics %1,000 REAL!!! - 25
(♔ AiRpOrT AREA♔)
KISS THESE!✨COme EXXXplode 🎆👅💦 with HaVaNNA ✨ Ebony Playmate ** Well REVIEWED! - 24
(Cleveland, cleveland/east)
LAsT DAY CALl New PiCs • Blonde DOll FaCE 1000%Puerto Rican BeSt_ E•Y•E C•A•N•D•Y _JUICYBoOTy llama - 20
(Cleveland, AIRPORT ***dont miss me)
💥Kellie🔥Tall 💞SEXY BBW💞 🍀St. Patty's Day $60 half hour SPECIAL!! 🍀🌟Come get Lucky!! - 28
(Cleveland, Westlake motel✨🌟INCALL ONLY🌟)
✨ ❥Ki₦KY █$pecial$➔➔✨💗 ⒝⒰⒝⒝⒧⒠ ⒝⒪⒪⒯⒴ ❥HO T ❥ⓒⓤⓣⓘ€❥❥❥👑 {{DOLL}} █☰█ CΘM€❥ PLA¥❥ WiTH❥M€❥ - 24
*** 100% REAL PICS *** Open -minded & a Lot of Fun :) *** 100 special ** 100 special - 21
(Independence area)
if you are looking for a great time look no more pic up the phone - 24
(Cleveland, East side cleveland garfieldheightffs)
$$ I can make u shoot for the Stars$$ Specail!!!! - 21
(Cleveland, independance .Westside.Euclid.wicklife)
Im Th€ ( €xOTiC ~ CuT!€ ) U WiSh £iV€d N€Xt DooR ★iTs PlA¥TiM€:)... [HoT & K[!]NKy!] - 19
(Cleveland, 🌸 Warrensville 24hrs=) 🌸)
♡ __*HOT* KINKY PLaYmAtE__ ♡ シ ExXoTiC ___ ★ 100% REAL ★ AvaiLable NOW __ LiMiTeD TiMe! シ - 19
(Cleveland, WEST)
Hot mature playmate ...Kelly Kummings ...Your satisfaction is a must! Specials Today!!! - 43
(Cleveland, West)