Mon 27 Jan
$$$ super FREAKY gorous AND kinky TOP notch PROVIDER ---216-466-4727 Ms Butter Cup - 23
(Cleveland, MY ROOM)
💎💎💎💎💎💋💋SUNday SpeciALS Hr 🎆🎇body2body 130 or 2girls ToDay Only 220💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 - 24
(all Cleveland, Cleveland)
***Sunny Delight Here Waiting On U In/Out 216-326-6897 Ms Sunny - 23
(Cleveland, in/out calls cleve area)
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ★ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ❇❇ ★ Stunning Petite Asian ★❇❇▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ★ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland/Akron)
SPECiALSSS ★ SuPeR FreaKy ★ GoRgeoUs & KiNkY ★ ToP NoTCH PrOviDeR ★ - 25
(AiRpOrT ArEa (Upscale Incall))
★ ⋆ ☆ SPECI@LS! ★ ⋆ ☆ ALL D@y! ★ ⋆ ☆ SEXY & Petite! ★ ⋆ ☆ - 24
(Cleveland, IN call Euclid Area, Outcalls All Over)
*SpEciALs*((__ BLONDE __)) - - - 💋100% ReAL PiCs BiG B(.)(.)Bs __ [{* CALL NOW *}] 24HrS** - 23
(Cleveland, {{___ AIRPORT AREA ___}} 100% mE)
🌹💯Specials🌹√¡ρ Tяεα†mεη†💃 by √¡ρ Pℓαγmα†ε🌹 Aℓℓ💈 Amεяίcαη ßεαu†y💯🅰vailable 2⃣4⃣➡️7⃣ - 23
(Cleveland, 🏪OutCalls All Over 🏪)
SpEciAL ⏳(6-10pm)【SeXXy LATINA】⭐ [100% REAL] ⭐spa nkabℓε αSS]【 SiMpℓy* the * Best - 23
(Cleveland, 🚕InCall)
Slender Attractive Exotic Mix🌟 Puerto Rican and Italian incalls💫😘 ♥ FUN & SEXY! 🎉♥ 😘💕 - - 24
(Cleveland, Cleveland (West))
Sexy Sensual Hot Dominican Mami looking to get my fire put OUT REAL MEN ONLY - 19
(Cleveland, Westside/zoo area)
Shhh"$40"💋👅👄0 N € § 🍦 z e F 🍦 t s @ L L( 910)706-8291 - 32
(Cleveland, R€@®R En+ry P@rking P€RMi++€D)
Sexy & Ready ◄*Incalls/ Outcalls Specials Avail upon request - 26
(Cleveland, EAST 185th*Off I-90* In & Out Calls)
Sexual Seduction is Back And READY TO PLAY 216-205-2177 Call now - 23
(Cleveland, West cleveland in&outcalls;)
Serious Inquiries ONLY!!! 100% Real Pictures!!! German Goddess 🇩🇪 Party Girl 😉🎉✨ Available 24 HRS!!!! - 20
(Cleveland, OUTCALL ONLY!!! Westside/No incall)
———— :¦:•S• E • X • Y• :¦:——————— * HOT §ExY REDHEAD* ———————— * :¦:•S• E • X • Y• :¦:——————— - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland/Akron)
°° °° S W E E T B U S T Y B R U N E T T E . . $ 6 0 S P E C I A L S °° °° - 22
(local in and 77)
*-:¦:-s0oO* JuiCy *~N~ * ThicK - CuRVy -:¦:- ° ~EBONY TENDER [100] =laST DAy sPECIAL - 20
(i75 cinnci in&out; surrounding areas !!!)
Riley Well Reviewed ID 275147 Email Only-Rated #4 in T E R's Top 100 Ladies in Cleveland- See Why!! - 30
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Cleveland, Columbus, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Outcalls Only, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown)
ReD HoT KaRmA --- CoMe LiGht YoUr fIrE...up alll night call now - 22
(Cleveland, weStIde incall & outcaLl ave.)
* [[ÂRL¥ MoRn¡Ng Spc¡ALS]] {¡M WHÄT U WANT} {{¡'M §Ø GØØD ¡'LL HÂV U}} [[§PÂK¡NG ¡N ØNGU]] - 26
**Redbone** **BIGBOOBZ** 42DD'$ HOTOPIC 216 203 5514 - 26
(Cleveland, Old Brooklyn cleveWest my place or ur's)
Pure Unrushed Latenight Satisfaction 💏 I'm 100% Real,Petite, Beautiful, & Independent ❤️💏 - 20
(Cleveland, Ourcalls Only)
READY FOR FUN! 24/7 UP LATE $100 MONDAY Special!(NEW GIRL SPECIAL) Call Anytime! 216-333-5198 - 19
RaL DaL BaB¥ »-★-» Na§t¥ ¥uMM¥ *CrO@tI@N* HoN¥ »-★-» @M@zInG §PCIÅL§ dÅ¥&N;!T - 24
(wiLlOuGhBy/MeNtOr ((nEw HoTiE)))
R U Tired Of FAKE AD'S? *** VIDEO PROOF *** Visiting INDEPENDENCE ... 420 Friendly + Party Girl - 23
(Cleveland, I-77 Independence - Rockside Rd Hotel)
Pr£TT¥~NeW & YOUNG & HOTT~SeDecTive N£W CuTi€ with A Bubble BOOTY ✨💯......, - 99
(Cleveland, Airport~LoRain County & Surronding Areas)
✰•PreTTy & SoFt• (¯ `• ✰ •´¯) •OpEn-MinDed* •In-CaLL SPeCiALS!!! - 24
(Cleveland, Wickcliffe /Willoughby/ In & Out)
Roses are red ..Violets are blue.. Lemme show you what we can do ❤️💋❄️⛄️REAL Deal❤️INCALL🌆🏫 - 20
(Cleveland, Incall EAST near 271&480 ask me)
NEW OPEN▒ASAIN DOLL ▓█❤█▓▒ SHORT STAY (WOW 5-Star Service) 🎀🎀 ▒▓█❤█▓▒ OPEN-MINDED + 1OO% REAL 3 - 20
(Cleveland, Very hot Asain in town)
New to BP gentlemen! Ms StarBurst! BBW you'll love😚😚2169042465 - 22
(Cleveland, Cleveland Eastside incalls)
+ ((NeW)) + {"☆"} + ((Thick "n" All)) + {"☆"} + ((The Right Places)) + - 23
(+Willoughby Area +24hr incalls only)
(((Cum Spank Me))) {{HoRny}} Nympho Waiting to Ride {{ YoU}} ((Wet N Juicy )) - 23
(cleve outcalls only)
NEW PICS LoOK Best In ToWn TwO SEXY PuErTo RiCaN MaMi*ReAdY FoR AnYtHiNg*last days Best Girls call* - 21
New to bp, but guaranteed the best. No rush, 100% Real. 2 blondes ready to please & be pleased. - 24
(Cleveland, West Cleve,by W.150th Safe & discrete.)
NeW★ LATINA ★ HOT ★ SEXY ★ PRINCESS ★Ill Be YouR KinkY TreaT ! !! - 25
(Cleveland, ((( •♥•AIRPORT AREA •♥• ))))
NEW!!! [[ OPEN MINDED ]] ♥ [[ BLONDE TREAT ]] ♥ [[ VERY SWEET ]] - 18
☆NEW in TOWN ▬▬★★ ▬ Ultimate PLEASURE ZONE... ▬▬ ★★ [××] GREAT GIRLFRIEND 2 THE MAXX [××] - 23
(Cleveland, BrookPArk INCALL)
NEW GIRL in Town with Killer Curves and a Soothing Touch... - 19
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
★ NEW! *BoOtY: SPECIALS! {BrUnEttE EyE CaNdY}: ReAdY 2 PlAy! ★ FrEaKy & KiNkY ★ - 21
NeW (HaNDL€ w/ CaUT¡ON! ) ★( SuP€r » FR€AKŸ; I Do WHaT TheY WoNT! ) ★ (LeTs PlaY!) - 22
New Girl 1,000 Percent Real Pix! come in get it! - 22 - 22
(Cleveland, Cleveland/surburban areas incalls)
:*¨¨*:: (((NeW In ToWn ))):*:: AbSaLutLy ThE BeSt SeRvIcE ArOuNd :*:: DANIELLE (216) 633- 0934 - 21
💕💎 New 2 Area 💎 Sexy Mixed Ebony 💎 Let Me Satisfy You💎Incall & OUTCALLS💎💕 - 20
(Cleveland, Incall - Independence Outcall - Anywhere)