Mon 06 Jan
SEXY Curvy White BBW 4OD Bra Come Play NUDE $15O-$45O CANDY 2l6-252-5OO1 East & West Side Locations - 32
(Cleveland, Cleveland W117St or E3OSt get off i90)
Hot Body with a Fun Personality - Available Now! - 19
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
:*:$70 SPECIALS...Avail NOW - 6am!!!!:*: Get w/a ReAL BAD B##CH w/5 StAr SeRvIcE...CALL NoW!!! - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield hts)
Wanna grab this juicy🍎 phat😱 fluffy🐇 B🍑🍑TY - 24
(Cleveland, Cleveland discrete location incalls only)
SpEciALs!! {{ SO@klN }} SeXy iRrESiSiTiBLe ((EyE CANDI)) AmAziNg Fr3@K!!! TER# 147985 - 21
so BEAUTIFUL you won't believe your eyes....can be your dirty little secret.... SPECIALS Up Late - 30
(Cleveland, Outcall only your place)
***Sexy Beautiful Blonde *** HIGHLY REVIEWED! Cleveland Incalls 5/12-5/17 - 38
(Cleveland, Cleveland Area)
July 4th WEEKEND SPECIALS! (216)355-6829 HOT, SULTRY & SEXY *LEXI* W. 150th & I 71 - 29
(W.150th & I. 71)
I'm your willing girlfriend - Come Play with Me, LAUREN VISITING NOV 25-29 - 26
(Cleveland, Cleveland West Incall & Outcall)
👀👀Up$cale🔼🔽💋 Gorgeous Playful 🍑Booty💦 Lovers Total Package 🔽🔼 - 23
(Cleveland, Cleveland Area Out Calls)
█▓█✿ •✿ HOT✿• •✿ ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ █✿• •✿PETITE✿• •✿█▬▬▬▬▬▬▬❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ •✿•ASIAN• ✿•█▓█ - 21
(Akron/Canton, Cleveland/Akron)
~*~*~ hOt ~*~*~ ChOcOlAtE ~*~*~ sAtUrDaY ~*~*~ sPeCiAlS~*~*~(( TeR iD 147985 )) - 20
Energized · freak! · hung hotty · lets · get· WILD · & · NAUTY! NOW! in/outcalls - 22
(Cleveland, Westside/alone)
100% me... Bring pic to compare (504)373-8515 (( Christina Longwood )) - 19
(ohio city/ upscale area)
°•💯©•° 💖((=EXTREMELY=)) °•★💯©•°💖 ((=ENTICING=)) •°o©💖★((=REVIEWED=))💖•®💯 - 30
(CALL ME☎📞. Ins and Outs, Cleveland)
*-*-* ExOtiC BeAuTy VisItinG FrOm MIAMI!!!! *-*-* ( ReAl!! )$250HR - 22
(Airport in call/Cleve outcalll)
Candy Cupcake Freaky White H0T H0T BBW Chubby Wll7 St Dominate/ Submit I5O Special 2l6-322-13O8 - 32
(Cleveland, Cleveland Wll7 St off Lorain Ave)
*60/100 SpEcIaLs...On 7/19 OPEN @ 10p* VoLuPtUoUs THiCk BeAuTy w/ALOT of BOOTY & A1 SKILLZZ - 29
(Cleveland, Incall Garfield Hts; Outcall Anywhere)
Im Going to Get u ready for your morning ROUTINE!!!! (OPEN) 313 421 99 30 - 25
aMaZiNg sKiLLs : sExY & sWeeT : { New ReViews } : yOu wiLL loVe mY fAt bOOty & sMaLL wAiSt - 20
(Cleveland, MenTor ArEa 24hr InCaLLs )
$$$$$ $1500 to $6000/week – Adult Video Actresses Wanted $$$$$ - 18
(Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Toledo)
*************** (((((((( ~~~~~~~ ** SUMMER FUN ** ~~~~~~~~~ ))))))))) ************** - 27
**NeW** Im Like Sweet Music To Your Ears, Let Me Put You In The Groove...** - 21
(cleveland & surrounding areas)
💕💕SIMPLY STUNNING💕💕⭐NEW PIX⭐..$50 specials $$ dont miss out💕💕 - 26
(Cleveland, Local in and out call off 77)
»——» »——» ❤ ❤ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ❤❤ SINFULLY SWEET & DELICIOUS ❤ REDHEADƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ❤ ❤ »——» »——» - 26
(Cleveland, beachwood incalls only)
◆ () ★ LÕNG HÅRD DÅ¥? CÕM LT M RLÅX YÕU TH R¡GHT WÅ¥ ★ () ◆ - 26
(Cleveland, ✈@iRpOrT✈ @rE@ 100special)
mmmm delicious ebony delight! SASHA.. I'm Sexy, Fun, Friendly and Very skilled. fantastic reviews - 24
(Cleveland, west)
Who is ready for the time of ur life?! call savannah today!!!💋 - 29
(Cleveland, Cleveland suburb incalls/outcalls)
Sun 05 Jan
Adult Film Star 💋Mariana Córdoba 😍Beauty🌎New🍒 Girls is💕 better 💋than old💋 - 29
(Cleveland, Downtown)
NeW!!!!!! To BaCkPaGe!!!!! Mz.InDia!!!!! 18!!!!!!!! - 18
(Cleveland, independence( INCALLS&OUTCALLS;))
🌟✨ MOST REQUESTED • I'm Back 2 Satisfy U • 🌟✨ CoMe GeT Ur He@D RiGhT ✨ - 19
▓ ▒ ░ * ❤.•* L✪ ✪K *•.❤* ░▒▃ •★•° Shhh...°•★•° YOUR °•★•° LIL °•★•° SECRET ❤ ▃▆▓▓❀▓▓▆▃ - 25
(Cleveland, Incall & Outcall♥ ALL OVER YOU)
׺° ` °º×- EXQUISITE -׺° `°º×... ° AbSoLuTeLy °o♥o° InToXiCaTiNg °o♥o° - 24
☆ AbSoLuTeLy ► GoRgEoUs [➜ P0rNstAR pLaYMatE] 11O% REAL PICS - N0 PhoT0sHOp HERE - 23
Everything that you Want and Need and Looking for so come play with a Beautiful asian ladyboy!!!! < - 20
(westside upscale location)
Th3 Th!cK3r Th3 BETTER the Ju!cY $W33Tn3$$ - 25
(Cleveland, OutCall/downtown Clev/Euclid&Surroundin;)
☕The Perfect Slim Hot Chocolate☕Very Beautiful, 1♡♡%Real Pics, Independent and Full of Pleasure 💑💏 - 20
(Cleveland, Outcalls only)
**Tell Me What's On Your Mind, And I'll Give You The Best Time** - 23
SpEciaLs! LaSt DaY. BiG B(.)(.)Bs. Highly ReVieWed....:::::CaLL nOw!!!!! 24HRS :::... CALL NOW ...::: - 25
(Cleveland, OuTcaLLs 24HrS)
🔹🔹🌀🍥🌀🍥🌀🍥🌀🍥🌀🔹🔹KOREAN KOREAN💕💕💕아름다움💕💕💕 한국 학생💕💕💕1st DAY🔹🔹🌀🍥🌀🍥🌀🍥🌀🍥🌀🔹🔹 - 21
(Cleveland, 🌀🌀Brookpark rd……Cleveland🌀🌀)