Fri 03 Jan
Tired of false advertisement🚫 an look no further I love to 💋 and cuddle text 281-656-9157 - 21
(Cincinnati, Cincinnati upscale hotel Incall)
🚀🚀🚀 Last Take Last Day 👩👧 2 Gone Bad 👿👿 Don't Miss Out Before To Late🕚🕙Special💋💋 - 23
(Dayton, Dayton Ohio Hotel North)
New to the Area, looking to meet new people and have some Fun, I will be awake till 8am. - 24
(Cincinnati, Cincinnati/Covington Outcall)
💖NEW in TOWN ✨ReaDY fOR SoMe FUN ✨CoME SeE ME FOR SomE FuN 💖 100%real - - 24
(Columbus, my place or yours)
Ladies: Escort HELP WANTED up to $1,700/WK CASH paid daily (Cincinnati, Ohio) - 27
(Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio)
🎉💋☘️ ITS my birthdayTODAY GO CAVS, Let's party I'm ready if you are 🎉💋☘️ - 22
(Cleveland, Independence, down town)
VISITING ♥♡♥ SUPER ♡♥♡♥ SexY ♡♥♡♥ SWEET ♡♥♡♥ You will L♥VE me!!. - 19
(Cleveland, Lakewood Hotel ALONE)
**THiNGs ARE BiGGeR iN TeXaS.....**TS BARB WiRE 36D TiTS* 10"ff ReADY To ExPLoaD - 22
Redbone Beauty NOW IN DUBLIN Boys play with toys , im for REAL MEN ! Ts Tiffa - 24
(Cleveland, Dublin , Ohio)
SMOKINHOT white tgirl🔥 put me2the test👄in 1hour u'l realize🍭my CANDYis the best!🍦☎24/7📞 👠👄💄⚘ - 30
No Tricks With These Picks 100% Accurate Ts Mistress Vianca Is Ready To Play 9.5 ff She meat - 19
(Independence Hotel)
❤❤❤❤ SEXY & TASTY ❤❤❤❤Yasmine Here !!!! JUST LANDED!!!!!! specials 😊😍😘 - 18
(Cleveland, Cleveland Hts , Coventry)
☟ █▬█ ◯T ✨🔥⚡ 11 I N C H TRA$EXUAL ☟ ⚡🔥✨ TS KIMORA COXX💋⚡🔥✨ Available. NOW⚡🔥 ☏₵αℓℓ ME. - 22
Y O U R # 1 C H O I CE :¦:S T O P & T A K E A:¦:LO O K :¦: (( TREAT YOURSELF )) - 24
(Cleveland, Westside)
*-* You An Me *-*Specials Allnight ((( 100% open minded )))) Specials !!!! 100 roses.. - 23
(Cleveland, Airport Area //SPECIALS)
[★ ☆]° *ஐ* wAt U sEe Is WaT u GeT! ★ §IMPL¥ IRR£§I§TIßL [★ ☆] - 19
(Cleveland, AnYwHeRe YoU ArE!!! (OUTCALL ONLY!!!))
*WELL REVIEWED SUPER FREAk*open minded,nd sexy. able, ready, nd me. Incall - 21
(Cleveland, cleveland, west side)
VeRy {SeXy} ThIcK & {CuRvY}* Open-MiNded & FreaKy {must see} * 100% Me * "HOT" PICS - 20
(Cleveland, outcalls only!!!!)
✰ W H E N D O O R S C L O S E A N Y T H I N G G O E S . . S P E C I A L S - 21
~*~* Tiffany Hooters*~*~ Visit Is Over. Last Chance $uper $pecial~*~*~*~* - 24
(Cleveland, My Place Or Yours)
this is OFFICIALLY my summer job... (come get a taste of young college girl) - 22
(Cleveland, text me - 2163870087 - now)
★ T H E ★ ___ ★ B E A U T Y ★ ___ ★ O F ★ ___ ★ Y O U R ★ __ ★D R E A M S ★ $80 S P E C I A L - 20
STOP NeW PiCtuRes Call nOw 50$ Qs wHiTe GuYs ONLY🔔👅Being BuD Never Felt So GOOD 🙊MiXeD hOTTie💨 - 20
(Cleveland, Northfield rd)
**SuNdAy sPeCiaLs** LET'S have some FUN on MY LAST NIGHT!!!!! - 22
(Cleveland Downtown, *airport area*)
Super Low Special's With Kamore $40 for today only The Cheapest AroundCall Me - 25
(Beachwood Northfield Maple height/incall)
Special Guys 216 323 6917 Lovely lady for a lovely experience. - 25
(Cleveland, Cleveland and surrounding areas)
*:©:* sUpEr ____ ©:* sWeeT... *:©:* eBoNi :©:*__ | * | ____* GoddEss *:©:* - 19
Start your week off right! Morning Incall *~~~*~~~* Voluptuous Busty Beauty - 39
(Cleveland, REAL FUN ~*~ SPECIALS)
spankable phat juicy azz:: huge DDs :: thick n juicy :: pretty face :: avail 24/7 - 21
(Beachwood, Beachwood incall only)
, Sexy, Slim but thick in the right places..Puerto Rican DoLLFace SEXY lil Body Big bOotY - 20
(Cleveland, 24hr INCALL ONLY beachwood orange place)
★~Sexy video 👄💦☎ MaGiCaL LiP$ ★ • 【niCє bѺѺ+¥】★【cUτє FαCє】★【spaNKaBℓε αSS】★~ 🌴Reveiwed🌴CALL NOW! - 20
(Cleveland, Cleveland /Incalls only 24/7 services)
Sexy Sicilian Brunette Playmate ... KENDAL ... Let's Have Hot Uninhibited fun! - 25
(Cleveland, west)
petite and exotic LAUREN. I'm Sexy, Fun, Friendly and Very skilled... Leaving Town Tomorrow! - 24
(Cleveland, cleveland west)
ReAD EnTiRe AD B4 CaLLiNG ME..$50qv SpEciALs...OPEN 24hrs...SuPeRHe@D is in GARFIELD...CALL NOW - 28
(Cleveland, GaRFiELD Hts INCALL ONLY)
QUEEN of B.P.!! ask ABOUT ME!! why WASTE your MONEY on FAKE PICS? 3177241924 FRIENDLY LATINA - 19
(Cleveland, OUTCALLS ONLY! Anywhere surrounding clev)
[—————— ] ♥ [—————— ] ★ PETITE ♥ BLONDE ♥ BOMBSHELL ★ [—————— ] ♥ [—————— ] - 23
(Cleveland, Cleveland/Akron)
Petite VIP Blonde Companion for Upscale Gentleman Today - Secret Sexy Encounter with Me! Xo - 27
(Cleveland, Independence/Cleveland/Beachwood/Hudson)
`*• ¸ ¸•*´¨ PETITE¨ `*•. ¸ ¸ .•*´¨CURVY¨`*• ¸ ¸ .•*´¨.B.L.O.N.D.E. `*•. ¸ ¸ .•*´¨BOMBSHELL `*•.¸•*´¨ - 23
(Cleveland, Cleveland/OUTCALL)
)) Outcall Only 612-605-0749 (((( *~*~*~ Busty & Sexy New Asian Girl Vicky *~*~*~ - 22
(Cleveland, Outcall Only)
Outcall SPECIALS for INCALL PRICE, Sexy,mature blonde with amazing skills.. .in/outcall ava - 41
(Cleveland, Strongsville/ Middleburg)
$$$$Pinky And Tiff - Hand in Hand at Full Throttle, Satisfaction to the Fullest $$$ - 23