Mon 27 Jan
$%$%$ My body is ur party ! ! !Chocolate "Rain" SPcs...$%$%$ OPEN 24/7 9174266223 - 20
(Cleveland, parma/middleburg/old brooklyn/lakewood)
*NEW* CoMe GeT iT (¯FrEaKy¯) *o* ((★ AnY WaY YoU WaNt iT ★)) *o* (¯SEXY¯) NEW - 19
(Cleveland, *o* (( East Incall/outcall )) *o*)
💕New Dominican Beauty 💎Curvy & Thick 💕 Ready 2 Please 💎 - 20
(Cleveland, Cleveland Suburbs OUTCALL ONLY)
ou Don't Need A Pool, ██ ██ When You Experience My Florida Touch - 18
(Incall/Outcall 100-120 Per Hr)
NEW!! $50 SPECIALS! •• Double Tongue Rings !! •• X-Rated BiG BooTy FREAK ••👯👯100%REAL!!👯👯 - 21
Ms. Lady & Diamonde (Incalls & Outcalls) Spring Specials - 26
(Cleveland, E 185th @ I-90 Were-OpenMinded)
NEW BOOTY! ೋ {{ LU$HC!OU$! }} *$Tr@WBERry L!pGLO$s* {{678 757-4376 }} ೋ 50 @S@P $PEC!@L! - 21
(Cleveland (incall){678} 757-4376! NEW BA)
NeW BloNde BaRbie~ *•♛••:*¨¨*:• : WiiLL LeAVe YOU SPeeCHLeSS •:*¨¨*:•. ♥•:*¨ *•♛•* - 22
(Cleveland, ((▪♥Garfield Heights UPSCALE INCALL♥▪)))
New ___ SpECiaLs____ __ SpaNish BeaUty- SpECiAls -- ___ ___New___ __ --------______ New --------- - 25
(N_E_W_ ) °°★ °°(B_A_B_Y_) ★°° (D_O_L_L_) °°★°° (AVAIL NOW) °°★°° - 25
(Cleveland, OUT/IN NO AREA TO FAR)
:-•* My T!ght Ju!cy Goodies • °o♥o° Keep Them Coming Back • °o♥o° 4"11 CaRaMeL CuTiE🌟 - 21
(Cleveland, Downtown/Eastside¤¤¤INCALLS)
Mz. sUdUcTiOn's [{[{[{ eRoTiC }]}]}] [{[{[{ SPECIALS }]}]}] >>>>aDdIcTiVe - 20
my place or yours! specials rates & up late - 24
(Cleveland, off 480 garfied hts in&out; surr areas)
☆☆MorNiNg SPeciaLS!! Leaving TODAY!!! Don't miss the WOW EXPERIENCE☆☆By the way of Miami!! - 25
(Cleveland, Independence/Parma/downtown)
New 80-Barbie Avalible Now 2162459753 -NO RUsH Special- - 23
(Cleveland, incall willoughby 80special 480/271/90)
Natural boobies ♥♡♥ J O R D A N ♥♡ ♥ KinKY #1ChocolaTe choice ♡ ♥ juicy S P E C I A L S.!! - 23
(Cleveland, Lorain county incalls)
💙Most Requested💙 💙Highly Skilled💙 💙BP's SEXIEST💃 HOUSEWIFE, 4FUN💙 💙The SWEETEST C🍪🍪KIE in the Jar.💙 - 32
# ❶ . . . . MULATO DREAMGIRL ★ ..ೋ.. ★ DESCREET & SWEET . . . . # ❶ - 21
(Cleveland, ◆ B3@CHWoOD ◆)
:.♥: :.♥: MORE THAN ENOUGH 4 YOU :.♥: :.♥CuBaN g0dEsS
-:¦:- ♥-:¦:- Melody Smilez Ur Sweet Retreat -:¦:- ♥-:¦:- -:¦:- LOW RATES -:¦:- - 21
(West Cleveland (Outcalls Only))
Naughty & Nice 💋The Perfect Upscale Goddess 🎁💞 Full of Pleasure 💏🎋 Petite & Beautiful💑 - 22
(Cleveland, Your place/Outcalls)
Ms.Chyna Blac...... A Sexy , SaductiVe SouthERN BeLL.... SPeciALS!!!!! - 23
Miracle the best in town you will not for get((216_379_1018))) - 22
(Cleveland, Outcall/ Incall surrounding)
Morning Specials 7:30AM-11:30!!! Cool Off With A Sexii GFE In MENTOR!!! Here To Cater To You!!! - 22
Mature Petite 5' Curvy Discrete Sensual Fun Laid Back ALL Woman Treat - 48
(Cleveland, Cleveland, OH)
~*~ ~*~{MiXeD BeAuTy} "WaItiNg FoR U" {ToUcH ThiS BooTy} ~*~100 SpEcIaL~*~ - 22
(Cleveland, AiRpOrT ArEa 24Hr InCaLl)
MeGa BuStY! (*(G)*)X 3's *WeLL ReViEwEd!*[ *CuRvY & SuCCuLeNt* ] {*A MuSt SeE*} - 23
Make me call you PAPI TONITE! SPANISH MAMI looking for a ! 440-623-8198 - 23
☆ MiDweeK ♥ SpeCialS ☆ ☆ I Want To Be Your Hot And SeXy PlayDate ☆ - 19
(♥ My Bed Or Yours Up Late ♥)
Mature exotic vixen SKYY. Attending to your every need. Very openminded and fun! Specials Today! - 39
(Cleveland, West)
~~MS. LADY THICKNESS ~~ chocolate curvy freak incall/outcall - 30
(Cleveland, rockside rd. Independence, oh.)
MouthWatering Skills👅💦 Freaky Classy Sexy Slippery🍑 - 23
(Cleveland, Downtow Cleveland I-77 Free Parking)
🌺🌷🌸💯💫💐Mixed Jersey BABE Visiting 🍒🍭Thick BEAUTIFUL and Delicious🌺🌷🌸🌹💯💫💐 - 20
(Cleveland, Incalls Middleburg Heights 😘)
Madison Skye ... 420 Friendly + Party Girl .... Exotic ,Tan , Perfect Body - 23
(Cleveland, I-90 Westside of Cleveland/Downtown)
Mizz Kendall ..::.. SuPeR THiKK BLoNDe ChiCK ..::.. FaT JuiCY BooTy ..::.. $55 special - 20
(Cleveland, Warrensville Heights incalls)
Looks✔️Body✔️Quailty Service✔️ 🌸You will always leave with a Huge smile ☺️🌸 70/120/170🌸 Available now! 🌸 - 19
(Cleveland, Cleveland /24hr Incalls only)
Ms Chyna Blac: CountRy ThiCk SouthErN BeLL~ SpeCiaLs~ SpeCiaLs~ SaFe & DisCreTe..... - 23
(Cleveland, Cleveland area)
Misty, *NEW* young sexy italian-private upscale location •••READ AD BEFOR CALLING••• - 19
(Cleveland, Warrensville heights)