Tue 21 Jan
80Roses MONDAY Special Ts Gia satisfy your curiosity oil massage 24/7 2165436920 CALL NOW - 33
(Cleveland, Westside cleveland)
DREAMGIRL [ HoT WEBSITE][ LaTInA] [BiG Breasts] [PreTTiEsT ArOuNd] [BeaUtiFuL SeXy BoDy , - 25
♥~♥~♥ HAPPY HOLIDAYS ♥~♥~♥ 34DD Busty, Freaky, Fun & Wild!!!! - 26
(Cleveland, Cleveland (westside))
🍒🍒 Busty Ts Morgan 🍒🍒🍒 Dominate 📿⛏🛠 Or Submissive 💋💋I'm the Girl for You💯💯Real Pics ‼️‼real breast ❗️ - 22
(Cleveland, Lakewood area)
AVAILABLE NOW: Gorgeous Shemale Carmen(TOP QUALITY) Treat yourself Don't cheat yourself! - 21
(Cleveland, west side of Cleveland)
BAD GIRL *** CANDI ... WHITE *** BOTTOM ... Flat 60 ... Safe Upscale Location - 30
(Cleveland, W 117th & Clifton)
$75 special(Ts Rocsi) █ ✦✦ █I CaN MaKe it so GoOd █ ✦✦ █U WoUld WaNnA█ ✦✦ █CoME BaCk 4 MoRe! █ ✦✦ █ - 22
(Cleveland, off I-90west)
All are more than welcome! EXPERIENCED, BEGINNERS, AND THE CURIOUS (I can keep a secret)!! - 21
♥Betty, verified and reviewed...come and get it♥ - 28
(Cleveland, AIRPORT,berea,strongsville,middleburgh,)
2 4 1 $PECIAL IS bacK ****3verY M@nS fanT@SY 2163382924 nina/taylor - 20
50 ROSES!!Relaxing massage byTS Gia !! Reasonable rates! Read before calling - 30
(Cleveland, Westside 117th Area)
CLEvEL@ND GeNtLeMeN! JoIn ExCLuSiVe & DiScReEt FaCeB00K GrOuP! [LINK!} - 26
347-450-8830 T H E ***** L I M I T E D ***** E D I T I O N ... 9.5 Inches (420 Friendly) Ts Alyssa - 19
(Cleveland, INDEPENDENCE HOTEL 24/hrs)
40 ROSES For REGULARS! SEXY TS Gia will satisfy your curiosity! HOT MASSAGE available call now! - 30
(Cleveland, 117th and edgewater drive)
A SWEETHEART with SEXY curves ❧ Delicious. Flirty. & Sensual ツ - 22
(Cleveland, westside of cleveland ohio)
yummy dT_R_ Y__❤__ ME __❤___ I_'M___❤ ___ T_H_E __❤__ B _ E_ S_ T ___❤ - 19
(Columbus, I 71 come play)
Your Weekend Starts Here!! Visiting - Now - VIP - 19 Bombshell - Don't miss the sweetest in town! - 19
(Cleveland, Independence/Cleveland)
y.o.u.r °* NEW *° n.u.m.b.e.r °* ONE *° b.a.d.d.e.s.t °* DOMINICAN *° e.v.e.r - 22
(Cleveland, *[ Airport ]* ➜ [A]:[R]:[E]:[A])
YoUnG ... ThiCk ... PreTTy Face ... BIG BOOTY ... SkiLLeD LiPs ... X-RATED FREAK - 21
▄▀❤▀▄♕▄▀❤▀▄💋Y O U R. E X O T I C. F A N T A S Y.💋 ▄▀❤▀▄♕▄▀❤▀▄ - 25
(Cleveland, Incalls EAST Or Outcalls Anywhere!!!)
YOUR #1 ⓔⓧⓞ〶ⓘⓒ Playmate Is Back Boy'z █ NEW PIC'S >>>> Blonde Beauty ❥ⓐⓜⓐⓩⓘⓝⓖ Skillz ^^^^ COME ⓟⓛⓐⓨ! - 20
(Cleveland, Independence-Your Place Or Mine 24/7)
Young Petite TUESDAY Specials COME as YOU are - 26
(Avon Lake, Sheffield, Elyria, Lorain, Cleveland)
*£xotic~busty [Killer mouth skills] sexy white girl√50 rose Specials - 24
What's Sweeter Than My Honey? SPECIALS ALL NIGHT - 19
(Cleveland Downtown, INCALL ONLY Warrensville)
➜ YOU WANT iT? i GOT iT! ➜ DRiPPiN LiKE WATER! ~new Special~ - 24
(ClEvElAnD ArEa {24hr in/outcalls})
°x°SuPeR sWeEt teAM °x°×]SuPeR SeXy [×°x° 2 is always BETTER THEN 1 ×°x°] 100% REAL PICS !!! - 23
(Cleveland, CLEVELAND incall- OUTCALLS)
ËXØTÏÇ`°•*🍀 ÍrÍSh`°*•& BlÁÇk 🍀`°*`~🌆`•°* Ü₱§ÇÄLÈ 🌆`•°*🎆₱lÀ¥BØ¥ 👙VIxEN 🎆👅👅 AvÁÏLable NØw‼🕓 - 19
(Cleveland, 🏡 incalls 🏠)
West incall & outcall specials Sexy , SLIM , beautiful & fun!👭😘 💯%REALPICTURES!!😍 - 20
(Cleveland, Westside incall & outcall no AA men)
$♥$♥$ Y@ girl iz b@©k $♥$♥$ Cho¢ol@te R@in a.k.a. Mz. W@†e®Wo®k$!!! $pl@$h;);)@ 216*466*7328 - 24
(Cleveland, eastside in/ out wherever u need me 2 b)
♥°° WHaTeVeR iT °reQuIReS _ I'LL DEliVeR °° aVaiLabLe fOr yOuR pLeaSure ♥ - 21
(Cleveland, CLEVELAND.)
{{Well Reviewed}} EXotic HOTTie*LOW SPECIALS [[SeXy & FUN]] No RuSh ¤1OO% Real {{Last Day}} - 23
(×°x°× AIRPORT AREA IN//OUT ×°x°×)
*★* §w N P¡* §x¥«* §duc¡v* ★ * $8Ø §pc¡ÂL§* R..A.D.¥ & W¡¡ng! *★* - 21
(Cleveland, ♥ Airport 24hr Incall OnLy♥)
[WELL REVIEWED] ♥ N.a.u.g.h.t.y *But *Oh* So* N.i.c.e ♥ OMG.. [T.w.!.c.3] - 23
Very fun and UNINHIBITED blonde playmate... Lea Michaels... SO SATISFYING! Specials 2day! - 24
(Cleveland, near west side)
* well reviewed*:) ...the smart money is on me, Ryder! place yur bet baby. New PICS!!! - 21
(Cleveland, cleve, westside)
WHATEVER YOU Like!BIG BOOTY Chick College Girl Waiting for YOU! DOWNTOWN $40 Specials - 25
* * * * * * * * * * What Happens When The Girl Next Door Goes Wild * * * * * * * * * * - 18
(Cleveland, Your Home or Hotel)
👑uℓtiℳαtε Fr€@k ➓ $80hh TiGht GriP➜SLipPeRy whEn SOakEd!!! - 22
(Cleveland, Downtown Cleveland INCALLS)
Visiting! Delicious Busty Ebony Playmate. GiGi. I'm Sexy skilled and extremely ADDICTIVE. Specials! - 24
(Cleveland, west)
Well Reviewed♥•• AVAILABLE NOW •• ♥All Natural VIP Companion ♥•• - 20 - 20
(Cleveland, Beachwood/chagrin your place or mines)