Tue 21 Jan
((East Cleveland )) call now freaky ts seeking freaks all night.... ( private and discreet) - 23
🌟💋🍭💎🍒🌟[ HUNG TS GRIL ]🌟💋🍭💎🍒 Visiting💋💦 Fully Loaded 💦 Hott 💋 Sexy 🍭 Passable 💅 --------------- - 19
(Cleveland, EASTSIDE I-90)
Dominican PLAYMATE*[ EXTReMeLY HoT hunG CUT *]]__[[* VerY BEST A+ Service))LeaVE HAPPY GUARaNTee - 23
(Cleveland, ohio city upscale area)
40 ROSES ALL FRIDAY!!SEXY TS Here to satisfy your curiosity!Hot massage? A good time ? Call now! - 30
(Cleveland, West cleveland)
*Beautiful Shemale=SEXY & SUPER HOT* Versatile {100% REAL}LOADED! LOADED! - 24
(Cleveland, Westpark)
💋👅💦🌹young beautiful Dominican play mate fetish friendly&fun; sized NEW IN AREA🌹💦👅💋 - 18
(Cleveland, Beachwood,independence,downtown,airport)
Xmas is near~ That tall, sexy, beautiful woman you wished for all year is finally here!!! ; )' - 26
You're stop to PARADISE!!! Yazmine is here to FUFILL your fetish and also FULL BODY MASSAGES! - 23
(Cleveland, Ohio)
Who Wants The Best Of Both Worlds ? ... Nows Your Chance Boys ..TS Jessica Strokes - 19
(Independence Rockside Rd Hotel)
YoUr H0t F!3xAble ❥ FrEaKy ❥E✖ΘTiC ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ❥ AMAZi₦G SkillS CΘME PlAy 💯% R€AL & Aw3s0m3 ReVieWs - 24
(Cleveland, West airport area 24hr incalls)
Wild F3ST!$HE$ & F@nt@sy$ Im A certified FREAK - 26
(Cleveland, Cleveland,Shaker,WarrensVille, Bedford)
***LAST DAY IN TOWN*** [[-XxX-]] SUPER [[-XxX-]] SWEET [[-XxX-]] NyMPHO [[-XxX-]] FREAK [[-XxX-]] - 21
(Airport Area 24hr incall/outcall)
What is it YOU crave? Busty, mature, fullfigured? Available thru Sunday only! - 52
(Cleveland, SE Cleveland - easily accessible)
°x°SuPeR sWeEt teAM °x°×]SuPeR SeXy [×°x° 2 is always BETTER THEN 1 ×°x°] 100% REAL PICS !!! - 23
(Cleveland, CLEVELAND incall- OUTCALLS)
~*Wet Wet Petite Sexi Mocha is here for a limited time only!!CUM get it while u CAN!!!24/7 service*~ - 21
(Willoughby ( surrounding areas))
Willoughby/Euclid incall/out special Sexy , SLIM , beautiful & fun!👭😘 💯%REALPICTURES!!😍 - 20
(Cleveland, Willoughby incall & outcall no AA men)
*Visiting* Leaving in the morning! Lets get each other warmed up before I go! - 24
(Cleveland, Middleburg in/out everywhere)
VISITING THE WESTSIDE .........what a treat .....outcalls everywhere - 27
(Cleveland, WEST 150th INCALL/OUTCALL)
Want to start your morning GREAT or MAYBE End your night even BETTER.... - 21
(Cleveland, Your Place Or Mines.!)
W :: A :: R :: N :: I :: N :: G !!! :♥: EXTREMELY :♥: A * D * D * I * C * T * I * V * E° - 26
(InCall & OutCall)
V!S!T!NG ஐ E X O T I C ஐ REDHEAD ஐ HOTT!E - 20
(Cleveland, Airport Area)
T@$tebud overlo@d .... best fl@vorz to choose from... come try a fl@vor or two 2169257894 - 19
(Cleveland, Cleveland/parma/shaker/indep/richmond)
▓▓ƸƷ▓▓ Up*All NiTe! ☆ The Best Baby Call NOW *▓▓ƸƷ▓▓ __ RiGhT ➫ HeRe ➫ .___ SOFT n' SWEET ▓▓ ƸƷ▓▓ - - 21
(Cleveland, West/Upscale)
Upscale Luscious Exotic Beauty ... Hot, Ready and Always Aiming to Please! Great Reviews! - 20
(Independence... IN/OUT)
VIP 1Week * GORGEOUS SiCiLiaN-itALiAn * BUBBLE BOOTY * 4'9" 36d-26-46 great REVIEWS7@ &1@@(specials) - 27
(Cleveland, UpScaL WeSt INCALL / StrOnGsViLLe)
$uPeR Fr3@K! wh@t she wont do I will 4/ sure! Hurry .. wAiTiNg 4 YoU!! 140 hr Today only! C@ll now ! - 24
(Cleveland, OuTcaLL 140hr-sPclz)
★. Ultra Busty, Ultra Curvy, Ultra Sultry! Care to Indulge? **NEW PHOTOS** .★. - 27
(¯`'.¸ ¸.'´¯) Up aLL niGHt **aLL ThIs ChOColAtE** 2 GorGeouS fRe@Ks (¯`'.¸ ¸.'´¯) - 21
TiREd Of LiES, Cheated Out Of YOUR $$ and aLWaYs Being DiSAppOiNTEd? LuNcH BrEAk iNcALLs - 23
(Cleveland, INCALLS -mins from downtown)
TrEaSuRe & TrUE PLeaSuRe!! (L O O K - N O - F U R T H E R) PETiTE BlONdE PlAyMate LaSt HoUrS - 21
(*** AiRpOrT aReA ☜♥☞)
Two Beautiful, Sweet College Girls Wants to party w you 100$weekend special - 24
(Cleveland, Cleve surround area outcalls)
Tidman Gu¥s, Com Gt A Tast Whil ¥ou Can, xtrml¥ Skilld,Sx¥ Natural Blond - 38
(Cleveland, tiedeman)
The best! highly recommended Ebony..........Click Here - 27
(Cleveland, Incalls only! Willowick- Bishop rd)
The New Year Is Here!!!! Come on By and I will Treat You The Way Want No Disappointments Here!!!
____█ TAN blonde█____ SAssY GiRL NeXt dOOr ___█ INCREDIBLE SErVICE - 24
(Cleveland, Click to find out!)
*TAKE* -:¦:- *A* -:¦:- *BREAK* ❤ TODAY *-:¦:-* YOU DESERVE IT - 19
(Cleveland, Beachwood(incall/outcall))
The CANDY SHOP ***warning may cause addiction lethal lipz *** 80/100 hhr special... in/out ... - 20
(Cleveland, Cleveland, outcall/limited incall)
sweet S£DUcTIvE, S£x¥, Nicki~2 GIRL SPECIALS!!!!!!💦💦💦❤️😍😘😘😻 - 19
(Cleveland, Cleveland incalls only)
sweet petite German & Dominican treat😻 Sexy , SLIM , beautiful & fun!👭😘 💯%REALPICTURES!!😍 - 20
(Cleveland, Incall & outcall no AA men)
Sweet Naughty Petite and Ready for Play 5*skills Specials nevermind the rest play with the best... - 26
(Cleveland, west)
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ T_O_O _____ [-S-] __[-E-] __ [-X-]__ [-Y-] ___TOO___ MISS!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ - 21