Mon 27 Jan
◈ SPECTACULAR SHEMALE Model sexy :GORGOUS Body♥ SEXY 120 special Visitiing - 20
(Cleveland, AIRPORT HOTEL)
REAL 9 1/2 ☞COME PLAY☜❤ With a HOT JU!CY CuRvY ☞N!CE B00TY ツ ◆SL¡ppєrY & T¡GHT ◆Your №➊ ☆ Ts - 23
(Cleveland, independence 50/100 $ 100% REAL & CLEAN)
: °o° Fun portuguese & black BARBIE Visiting FOR A SHORT Time - 24
(Independence upscale hotel)
2 Days only 🍒🍒 Don't miss out on this Sweet tasting 🍫🍫 Chocolate 🍫vixen 36D plus 9 below💯 Real Pics💯 - 24
(Cleveland, Downtown/Westside)
♥ Gorgeous Exotic _____ BOMBSHELL _____ Visiting REAL T Girl NoW!!! - 23
(Cleveland, middleberg Heights Hotel)
Come Play with my 10"' Huge SECRET Inside My PANTIES ( ( ( Calling ALL SHE-MEAT CRAVERS) ) ) - 21
(Cleveland, I-90w Warren rd)
authentic verified sexy bombshell I aim to highly please u & make ur fantasy live entertainment - 24
(Cleveland, warrensville hts off northfield rd)
🍭 🍬9" FUN SiZED 👯Chocolate Lovers 💋🍒 Treat 👙 SEXY & SWEET 💦 Safe & Discrete - 23
(Cleveland, Off I-480E. (Lee Rd Exit))
Functional BUBBLE-BOOTY Vixen Every Bad Boys 11"FF Fantasy (Negotiable Rates) - 18
(EASTSIDE Residence Eddy Rd I-90)
👑💋❤❝ EXOTIC SHemale BUSTY* Visiting [dominant & SUBMISSIVE] !!!💯Real With Proof Video - 25
(Cleveland, Cleveland West)
FRIDAY 80 roseSPECIALS! Ts Gia satisfy your curiosity oil massage 24/7 2165436920 CALL NOW - 33
(Cleveland, Westside cleveland)
👅💦😘💋🌹young Dominican playmate fetish friendly & fun sized NEW TO AREA👅💦💋😘🌹 - 18
(Cleveland, Beachwood,independence,downtown,airport)
Yes Sir Th@ts me!!! ) *Ph@t C@t + This @zzz M@n I'm @mazing @186308 - 19
(Cleveland, 480 West of Cleveland)
Y O U R # 1 C H O I CE :¦:S T O P & T A K E A:¦:LO O K :¦:(( TREAT YOURSELF )) - - 32
(Cleveland, Middleburgh heights)
Your Weekend Starts Here!! Visiting - Now - VIP - 19 Bombshell - Don't miss the sweetest in town! - 19
(Cleveland, Independence/Cleveland)
Y Fantasize ? * C*U*M EXXXperieNcE Havanna 💦 *OUTcall Specials ✨ Ebony Playmate ** Well REVIEWED!! - 24
(Cleveland, cleveland/east)
XxX °♥° SoOo N@ughty °♥° But SoOo Very Nice °♥° XxX LuNcHtImE sPeCiAlS!!! - 21
❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤ YOUR ✿ Sexy ✿ Asian ✿ Playmate ✿ is ✿ HERE!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland/Akron/OUTCALL)
▐ ♥ Your Sexy Little Secret ♥ ▐▐ Daytime 100 Special ! ! ! - 24 - 24
(Cleveland, Tiedeman exit off i480 in and out calls)
Young hot and ready come have fun with Syn baby I promise u'll enjoy 💋💋 - 21
(Cleveland, East side Cleveland)
xxXx Porn Star Offering G*F*E*/P*S*E *** MONE DIVINE {Little Red Riding Wood!!} {1DAY VISIT}
(Downtown Cleveland)
°x°LUSHCIOUS @4405231657 °x°×] B@BY PH@T C@TS [×°x° NEGOTI@BLE SPECI@LS ! ×°x°] 400% RE@L PICS!!! - 21
Your Favorite Gal Awaits🙋🏽😜Real Video & Pictures📷Petite With A Soft Ass🍑💦Available Now Outcalls📞 - 22
(Cleveland, Cleveland Outcalls Only)
Young to sweet petite - 19
(Cleveland, 9oeast 271 wicliffe euclid willoughby)
You'll Be Very Happy You Chose Me...[HOLLY] $100 SAFE & RELIABLE SERVICE'S 330-564-7406 - 29
(Akron/Canton, Cleveland, GPS= 1608 EAST AVE AKRON OHIO 44314, Mansfield, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown)
★ Y∅U'v∈ ⓣⓡⓘⓔⓓ Th€ Re§t ★♡ N∅W C∅Me ⓣⓡⓨ Th∈ Be§t⛔STOP✋SeXy BloNdE BⓔTTⓔR THAN HⓔR⇧AND HⓔR⇩👑🐝*✨ - 25
(Cleveland, 💙Eastside incall only💙ℭ)
.*¨*-:¦:-* ஐ Your Secret O - B - S - E - S - S - I - O - N.*¨*-:¦:-* ஐ - 22
Yello-you must ask for yello- absolutely no pics-216-647-3834 - 23
(Cleveland, Cleveland/ lee and Harvard area)
You do what U want wheN U Pretty 😘 - 24
(Akron/Canton, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Columbus, Youngstown)
$W*TT U n YoUr BeD Up!!!.100$ SpecIaL OuTCaLL W*TT N WiLd WeNsDaYz!!!! XoXo!!!PICS 10000% ME - 22
(Cleveland, *•.❤ ▒ WILLOUGHBY AREA▓ *❤*)
WiLLie WonKa * WoULd LoVe 2 * HavE the * REciPE * 2 My CHoColATE * FaCtOrY!! - 24
(Mentor@rE@ In/OuTc@ll)
YoUr H0t F!3xAble ❥FreaK ❥E✖ΘTiC ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ❥ AMAZi₦G SkillS CΘME PlAy 💯% R€AL & Aw3s0m3 ReVieWs - 24
(Cleveland, West airport area 24hr incalls)
Yanna & Charmin - *Your wish is our command*. we want to please you tonight.
(Cleveland Downtown, downtown cleveland)
(Y_O_U_R ) °°★°° (G_O_N_N_A) °°★°° (L_O_V_E_) °°★°° (M_E_) - 19
(Cleveland, WESTSIDE up all night)
____ WiLD __ FreAKy__ iNdian__ bLaCK __bReeD ____CuM pLaY WitH Me NOw....... - 23
Who Wants The Best Of Both Worlds ? ... Nows Your Chance Boys ..TS Jessica Strokes - 19
(Independence Rockside Rd Hotel)
**Your Looking At Me 4 A Reason, I'll B Ur Best Decision,Finish This Night Off With Someone Great** - 23
♥Your Barbie's back...the baddest on Bp ...{new num.} Well Reviewed ♥172326 - 21
(Cleveland, In/outcalls...24/7...anywhere)
★ {XxX} ★ So Damn CUTE ★ {XxX}★ I'M Your BEST option !! CLICK HERE - 22
Y_O__U__R_ :: __U__L__T __I__M__A__T __E__::_ (((__ EROTIC __)))_:: __E__X__P __E__R__I__E __N__C_E - 22
(Cleveland, Westside)
×°x°× S I M P L Y ♥ S T U N N I N G . . $ 6 0 s p e c i a l s ! ! ×°x°× - 23