Fri 03 Jan
♡ SEXY EXOTIC *wHiTe & bLaCk MIX_ SWEET & DISCREET ♡ (216) 754-0287 iNCaLL/OuTCaLL - 19
(Cleveland, W.117th iNCaLL/OuTCaLL 24hrs)
***SeXy DENVER GIRL! !*** 951-905-7684 $75hhr Outcall Special **** - 25
(Cleveland, WarrensVille / Surrounding YourPlace)
Sexy Blonde Bombshell!!! 28 yrs old. Available 24/7.....216 450 8534. Cleveland Airport Area - 28
(Cleveland, Cleveland Airport (Middleburg Heights))
Sexy and Delicious. I'll give it to you like you never got it before... - 22
(Cleveland, brecksville rd)
◊ SEXY ◊ SAPPHIRE ◊ LiMiTeD ◊ 1OO% REAL ◊◊ [ S p E c i A l s ] - 24
(Cleveland, = * = Beachwood = * =)
▃ ▅ ▆ █ ★ Sexy Latina & ebony ★———★ UPSCALE ★ █ ▆ ▅ ▃ • • • • • • • ★ ★ Outcall NOW - 22
(Cleveland, Cleveland outcall)
Sexy Attractive Exotic Hispanic🌟 Mixed and Curvy 💫😘 ♥ FUN & SEXY! 🎉♥ 😘💕70 spcl - 21
(Cleveland, Warrensville)
°* ஐ*°° SeXy BlOnDe PlAy ToY... aLwAyS a PLEaSeR NEvEr A TEaSeR °* ஐ*°° - 23
(* :ღ:: WiTh YoU* :ღ::)
SEXY Curvy White BBW 4ODbra Come Play Nude $2OO 2l6-2O3-l662 CANDY 325O Superior Road Area Cleveland - 32
(Cleveland, Cleveland 325O Superior Rd off i9O/i71)
SEXY __o★o° _ EBONY_ °o★o° _BOMBSHELL_ °o★o° Toe Curling Skills! REAL Photos!! - 20
(Independence Incalls)
☆ _ ☆ SeXy ☆ As ☆ CaN Be ☆ _ ☆ {1oO% real}NW 2 BUSIN§§ - 19
(Cleveland, ೋ Westside 24hr incallೋ)
▐▐▐▄▄▄▀▀▀▄▄▄▀▀▀ ♥ SEXY NEW PLAYMATE♥ KRISTY ♥ ▀▀▀▄▄▄▀▀▀▄▄▄▐▐▐ HUMP DAY SPECIAL - 24
(Cleveland, ♥ ♥EAST iN OR OUT 24/7♥ RT 90,2,271)
Sexy Italian Brunette waiting to hear from you 💎 24-7 Availability 💋 216-956-5000 - 30
(Cleveland, West)
SeXY EBoNY BoMBSHeLL:: BeST SPeCiaLS ARoUND ::: BeST SKiLLS HaNDSDoWN :: Highly Reviewed!!! - 19
SEXY,CLASSY all natural blonde M I L F,with AMAZING skills!! - 44
(Cleveland, Incall ....min from Beachwood)
[[~~**SeXXy AleXiS**~~]] Back in Independence- offering 2 girl specials all day Monday :) - 27
-------- ( ( ( ( SEXY BRUNETTE ) ) ) ) ---------- AVALIBLE NOW!!!!! --------- - 24
(Cleveland, Independence)
sExY !!▄▄ ❤❤ ▄ ❤ CLICK HERE !!❤ ▄▄ ❤❤ ▄▄▄ ❤ ▄▄ ❤❤ ▄▄▄ ❤ H O T BRUNETTE ❤ ▄▄▄ ❤❤ ▄▄▄ ❤ #1pArTyGirL - 23
Sexi Safe Clean. No driver outcall/anywhere - 40
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Cleveland, Dayton, Outcall only cut, lake, medina, stark, g)
Sexy and discreet.👅💯🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒 Play with me! Incalls💖💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦 - 28
(Cleveland, Westside Cleveland Fulton exit.)
*Sexy Ebony/ Asian Mixed Petite* $80 specials All real pics ;) - 20
(Cleveland, Cleveland west side.. off i-480)
Sexy ♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥ BRUNETTE ♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥ GODDESS ♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥ Chloe - 23
(Akron/Canton, OUTCALL! ..wherever YOU are!)
SExY *___* SwEEt *___* AmAZINg *___* BEAuTIFUL LAtINA * ___* ThE BEST On BACkPAGE *_ 24/7 SERVICE__* - 21
(Cleveland, LaKeWooD)
Real Provider√√√ Best Service™ Great Attitude® Amazing Skills√√√ - 22
(Cleveland Downtown, Downtown Cleveland)
:-• R € @ D ¥ •-:¦:-• 2 •-:¦:-•P | @ ¥ •-:¦:-• K ! N K ¥•-:¦:-• $ £ ! P P € R ¥•-:¦:-•SPECIAL - 22
( PlEaSuRe --► BeYoNd ◄-- MeAsUrE ) ❤ ❤ [dreams dO cOme true] REViEWEd - 20
PUT ME ON YOUR TO DO LIST!❤️😋 Real pics UpScale+ 💋💖Incall/Out call $100 - 29
(Beachwood 271, Cleveland)
Readi 4 A Mind Blowing Experience?!? Billie Jolie Is Waitin 4 UUU!!!!!! SPECIALS!!! - 22
✔✔✔✋💋👅 Ready to play!! NEW YEAR SPECIAL come out n play with me - 22
(Cleveland, Cleveland east side)
🍒 Rated#1 Top Choice FREAK!! Phat Booty* Crazy Curves* AMAZING SKILLS* 60 spc LEAVING SOON!! - 26
petite and exotic LAUREN. I'm Sexy, Fun, Friendly and Very skilled... Leaving Town Tomorrow! - 24
(Cleveland, cleveland west)
Petite Blonde Companion -Discreet Sexy Encounter Today! - 27
(Cleveland, Independence/Cleveland/Beachwood/Hudson)
ReAD EnTiRe AD B4 CaLLiNG ME..$50qv SpEciALs...OPEN 24hrs...SuPeRHe@D is in GARFIELD...CALL NOW - 28
(Cleveland, GaRFiELD Hts INCALL ONLY)
----:¦:- ♥ Put Me On The Top Of Your List ♥ -:¦:----- New FrEeky VisitoR!! - 20
(t Today!!! Beachwood)