Sun 05 Jan
💕READY NOW 💕Try me 👅 WORTH IT ALL 💕👅💋Lite Skin💦Stop looking start touching 💋👅 - 23
(Cleveland, Cleveland surrounding areas)
🌟🌟🌟 let's keep it casual with no strings attached 🌟🌟🌟 - 21
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, everywhere, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesvi)
-:•.🌟.•: * •●❣ ●MORNING SPECIAL* •●❣●💢DOMINANT* •●❣●💢MISTRESS KITANA*•●❣● • * 11inchs - 24
(Cleveland, w.117 clifton alone)
Just arrived Hawiian & Exotic🌟 💋🍭BUSTY 10 " 💎🍒🌟36DDD 🌟💋🍭💎🍒🌟 IN/OUTCALLS - 25
(271 & Chagrin Hotel, Cleveland)
♥ { SoOo D@mN gOOd !!} ¤1OO% WoRtH uR TiMe _ SeDucTiVe sKiLLs _ iTs TrUe _ ChecK mY reVIEWs - 21
(**MenTor AreA - InCaLL\OuTcaLL)
SmacK_ mY__ AZz __ AnD TasTe mY swEEt HuNeY DiP ..... AvAilaBle Now ..... - 25
(CleveLaNd all around YOU)
Sexy exotic Playmate ... Riley.... Your new Favorite...Very openminded and friendly - 23
(Cleveland, west)
Sat 04 Jan
Join the Du Chien MODEL CLUB 2DAY! Seeking NEW & Experienced Models $400-$1000 DAILY START TODAY - 36
(Dayton, Dayton Travel Is A Must)
TS Megan Long RETURNING Real MASSIVE, ANaConDa MAGNUM 10.5in.SHamAle COMe Explode ( OUTCALLS) - 21
(Cleveland, OUTCALLS)
*IM BACK Your FIRST EXPERIENCE * 🦄💦👅Ts Onyx Exotic Red Bone Goddess 🦄😇👸🏽 - 25
(Beachwood, Cleveland)
We♥ can MaKe ur Dream ReAlLTy!! ((= SPECIALS - 26
(Cleveland, Parma& Surrounding,Cleveland surrounding)
TiReD of ALL the FAKE ads? [[ 1oO%~ ReAL]] ★ [[ ]] & [[ ßÂUi FUL ]] ★ - 23
U wont Regreat it * Need some excitement lets play ***100 special - 21
(Cleveland, willoughby, mentor)
☆_T H _P R F C T_ ☆_C H O i C _ ☆ iF §H§ GOoD ☆ iM BR !!! - 27
(Cleveland, cleveland east in or out)
[×°☆°× SuPeR BAD & BLONDE ×°☆°×] ___ {{PUERTORICAN}} ___ [×°☆°× 24HR ×° ☆°×] - 19
SPECIAL SUNDAY! incall @ classy home classy neighborhood CALL KATY 440-342-8659 - 23
(Cleveland, East of Cleveland)
Sp€cia£s...... S€x¥ Matur€ Natura£ B£onde...In/Out Call. $25 off h - 41
(Cleveland, just mins from downtown)
📰👀Sexy Hottie💋🍌Tasty Mouth👅L!p & Between the H!ps Serv!ce🍭💋😋Relax & Release🍌🌋with Ebony!! - 25
(Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, {GOOGLE ME }614*500*1596 IN & OUTCALL)
Sexy Slim Seductive LOLA waiting to please u **SPECIALS!** - 19
Sexy petite brunette playmate.. Stacy ... visiting Cleveland this tues thru sat... Specials! - 25
(Cleveland, west)
- - - - - - - - - - -((SeXy BrUnEtTe)) *♥* ((AvA!LaBlE aLL n!gHt))- - - - - - - - - - - 21
(((W!LLoUgHbY H!LLs)))
💗➖➖💗➖➖💗➖➖💗➖➖💗➖➖💗➖➖R£AL‼ ASIAN 💗💗➖➖💗💗➖➖💗💗➖➖YྉOྉUྉNྉG 💗💗➖➖💢💢➖➖➖↪3 0 2 - 4 3 3 -9 2 2 5 - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland👛302-433-9225)
____ *Perfect _____ *Petite _____ *Chocolate Fre@k _____ { a must see } - 22
(i 480 & 77 { my place } or yours)
Quality Companionship or Erotic Fetish Fantasy? Visiting June 26th to 29th - 39
(Cleveland, Independence)
Out Call 4 In Call Price..Sexy mature blonde with amazing skills.. .in/outcall available - 41
(Cleveland, eastside)
☎▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ❦☆❦❦☆❦ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄ ❦☆❦☎☎OUTCALL SPECIAL!☎☎❦☆❦ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄ ❦☆❦❦☆❦ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡☎ - 24
💖💋💦 ☆" NEW TO TOWN" ☆➓☆➓╚» SexY E✖ΘTiC❥ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ Οη℮ Οf A ΚιηD ♥H℮R℮➋βℓΟω γΟυr Μιηd👏👏 - 24 - 23 - 23
(Cleveland, Middleburg heights/airport Cleveland)
♥️♥️New♥️♥️ 🌟HOT•GIRLZ •4• YOU🌟 513-370-9184 ••2Day*Only•• - 24
(Cincinnati, Outcall Only NOHOTELS 513-370-9184)
NEW PICS LoOK Best In ToWn TwO SEXY PuErTo RiCaN MaMi*ReAdY FoR AnYtHiNg*last days Best Girls call* - 21
NeW PiCs 100% Me ☆ ► I'M GÕÕD,BUT ★ WHN I'M BÅD I GET VN WTTR In/OuT SpEcIaLs - 25
(Cleveland, CLEV -IN/OUT (UP LATE))
*** 100% REAL PICS *** Open -minded & a Lot of Fun :) *** 100 special ** 100 special - 21
(Independence area)
$$ I can make u shoot for the Stars$$ Specail!!!! - 21
(Cleveland, independance .Westside.Euclid.wicklife)
Hot mature playmate ...Kelly Kummings ...Your satisfaction is a must! Specials Today!!! - 43
(Cleveland, West)
Hey Boys Come and Play with Kitty ! ! 100 Hr/ 80 Half ! ! ! TER 114374 ! ! ! Call 330-220-8348 - 22
(your place or mine.)
Exotic Hot CurVy F!3xAb!3 n Ready YouR Tim3 aLwaYs my PI3asur3! Well Reviewed - 23
(Cleveland, West airport area incalls)