Fri 03 Jan
SexY bRowN Sugar Aim To PLeaSE *** NEW **** SuPer FreAk❤❤100% Real Pics/60/100 specials - 22
(Cleveland, WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS (in call))
☆ _ ☆ SeXy ☆ As ☆ CaN Be ☆ _ ☆ {1oO% real}NW 2 BUSIN§§ - 19
(Cleveland, ೋ Westside 24hr incallೋ)
▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ SEXY & BUSTY █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄. SPECIALS ... $80 - 30
SeXY EBoNY BoMBSHeLL:: BeST SPeCiaLS ARoUND ::: BeST SKiLLS HaNDSDoWN :: Highly Reviewed!!! - 19
💏Pure Satisfaction Baby💏 100% Real Pics, Petite,Very Beautiful, Independent and full of Pleasure 💏❤️ - 20
(Cleveland, Out calls Only)
✔✔✔✋💋👅 Ready to play!! NEW YEAR SPECIAL come out n play with me - 22
(Cleveland, Cleveland east side)
ReAD EnTiRe AD B4 CaLLiNG ME..$50qv SpEciALs...OPEN 24hrs...SuPeRHe@D is in GARFIELD...CALL NOW - 28
(Cleveland, GaRFiELD Hts INCALL ONLY)
----:¦:- ♥ Put Me On The Top Of Your List ♥ -:¦:----- New FrEeky VisitoR!! - 20
(t Today!!! Beachwood)
¤¤PoPuL@r DeM@nD $100 SpEci@Ls ¤¤ ReLe@sE Ur StReSs ¤¤ CoMe & GeT Ur He@d RiGhT - 19
(Cleveland, ★::: OUTCALL ONLY :::★)
*☆* Q_U_ _L_! _F_i_€ _D * ☆* ( †O L€ÂV€ U ) *☆* §_ _†_i_§ _F_!_€ _D *☆* - 21
(Cleveland, OUTCALLS ONLY)
🎀❤Pretty Face❤❤❤❤❤Fat Azz ♥❤❤❤❤Skillz of A P⭕rnst@r ❤❤❤❤❤❤&❤Clean ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤New Uploads to My Website - 20
(Cleveland, 💋 Mayfield 👠💋Leaving Soon)
NeW* NeW *** (N)A)U)G)H)T)Y) ____ Puerto-RicAn _ SeXy _ _hOt__ (C)U(R)V(Y)___ B)E)A)U)T)Y - 25 - 25
*** NeW nUmBeR*** >>LaTe NiTe SpEcIaLs **SeNsUaLlY sEdUcTiVe (( IrReSiStAbLy sExY))) {{{dAnGeRoUsLy - 25
NEW IN TOWN ~~~ Tasty ~~~ Fun ~~~ Addicting ! ✔ ☎~☎ 100% real 100%HOT - 21
(Cleveland, beach wood in call)
💋 💋 ŃĂÚĞĤŤŶ_•♛• ⭐💁 NEW ❤❤ -- SEXY - *Mz. JUICEY 💋IS BAck 💋 {OuTCall~INCall} - 25
(Cleveland, cleveland easT)
New New // Nyc Playmate Here For Your Pleasure !!! Call Now Come See Tha Best !!! - 23
(Cleveland, Airport Area //SPECIALS)
New to bp, but guaranteed the best. No rush, 100% Real. 2 blondes ready to please & be pleased. - 24
(Cleveland, West Cleve,by W.150th Safe & discrete.)
NEW PICTURES ★•] HOT SEXY [•★•] Beautiful body [•★•] Puerto Rican NEW PICTURES - 19
(Cleveland, outcalls east/west)
NeW★ LATINA ★ HOT ★ SEXY ★ PRINCESS ★Ill Be YouR KinkY TreaT ! !! - 25
(Cleveland, ((( •♥•AIRPORT AREA •♥• ))))
NEW PICS*★ P L E A S U R E Z O N E ★*216 *456-5511 - 21
new *{EXOTIC}* babe mixed ☆ DOMINICAN ☆ doll limited *{TIME}* only - 21
(Cleveland, ◆ B3@CHWoOD ◆)
Mature Plus Sized Beauty - Sweet Naomi - Spoiling is my Speciality - 42
(Cleveland, Macedonia (Rt 8 / 271))
✨ LORAIN COUNTY SunDay 🏈FuNday OuT~Call Specials HOTTI€ with an Amazing Body💋 Ca££ Now..........☎️I'm Waiting !! - 28
(Cleveland, Lorain County OuT~Call/WeStCleve In~Call)
~♥~^~ MAKING ~^~ HE♥ARTS ~^~ ~^~ FASTER ~^~♥~^ - - WORK ME OUT!!!! - 23
LOOK!! IM BETTER THEN HER.. you will be PLEASED.. promise. :) - 23
(Cleveland, incalls west side of Cleveland)
Last Day In Cleveland *$100 Specials Mature, Discreet, Sensuality Awaits You! Christine - 47
(Cleveland, 150th near airport)
lAST DAY JuiCy~*Warning* ~ Sexy Juiceful PuErto Rican llama ahora - 21
(Cleveland, beachwood orange place)
Ke3p iT cl@ssy ***N3v3r tRasH¥*** Ju$t @ L!l N@sSty**Up N r3ad¥** Sp3ciaLs*** - 22
(Cleveland, Beachwood)
jess working from her own location 216-738-9199 80.00 and 110 hour. close at 10pm - 30
(Cleveland, cleveland east side)
((( kiNkY ))) = ((( BeaUtiFuL GabRieL )))= (((SpeCiaLs ))) = ((( DOUbLe Dd'S))) - 21
(Cleveland, LORAIN COUNTY incall)
Join Me For An Electrifying Experience That Will Leave You Wanting More >> NEW Pics!
(Cleveland, Middleburg Heights)
Incall special 😍 beautiful, slim, fun and REAL PICTURES 2 girl special ask me - 20
(Cleveland, incall only)
...Im BaCk... NeW ... NeW ... Girl-Next-Door .. Little .. BLONDE .. All American BEAUTY - 23
'**I Was Put On Santa's "Extremely Bad " List,Come See What I Can Do, ** - 23
(Cleveland, in call-71& royalton rd. out anywhere :))
INDEPENDENT: Exotic and Passionate Fun for U! - 19
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
I'M BACK👋💖💞Vivacious Bangin Body Ebony Barbie Ready for Upscale Gentleman👠 - 21
(Cleveland, your place or mines)
I'm Cherry the curvy craving Seductress. I love roleplay and fantasy play!! I'm always ready to play - 22
(Cleveland, Elyria)
Highly Addictive Freak ★ I Want YOU As B★d As YOU Want Me☆ CALL NOW - 24
(Cleveland, MENTOR IN=((OuTCAll)) sPclz)
)))((( HOT ASS SCHOOL GIRLS )))((( New Girl * REAL PHOTOS ASK ABOUT SPECIALS)))((( 216-624-3974 - 19
♛[[HiGH QUALiTY]] -----[[STUNNiNG iTALiAN]] -----[[PeTiTE BOMBSHeLL]] -----[[SPECiALS NOW]]♛ - 24
(Cleveland, 480/Tiedeman {Incalls})