Sat 04 Jan
Let me be your addicktion... 100% uncut peruvian freak!!!! ... - 20
(Cleveland, suburban outcall only)
I'm A utilmate HoT BlaCk So sToP Clicking.. I know yoU'll eNJoy mY seRvice ......... - 24
I want to see you tonight!!!i KnOw ExAcTLy WhAT yOu NeEd!! LeT mE tAkE care of U!! _23! - 23
(Cleveland, brookpark)
✨ 💗H℮R℮➋βℓΟω γΟυr Μιηd❥💦ρυRε ρℓ℮αδυRε τθρ Qυαℓιτγ Slim EBONY🍫Back again!! Ana 3134621162 - 28
(Airport Incalls, Cleveland)
I Can B N@ughty&Nice;! Cme Play w/Me,Im Sexy & Ti@ht! Ill Do Wht U Like Just Right Maybe I Wnt Bite;) - 26
(Cleveland, cleveland,and all around)
🌞Good morning fellas💋Start you day off with this sweet🍫delight🍒💦 - 27
(Cleveland, Lorain ,Elyria,Amherst,Avon)
( GORGEOUS BARBIE )*•- $100-•* •☆ (SUPER SEXY ) ☆•*•- $100:-•*( BIG BOOTY) - 19
(Cleveland, , ★::: OUTCALL ONLY :::★)
FrEaKy aS yOu wAnT mE !! » *(U)* (N)* (R)* (U)* (S)* (H)* (E)* (D) « eXtrEmeLy sKiLLeD !!! - 21
(Cleveland, 24hr MenTor INCALLSOUTCALLS)
******* FrEaK of AlL FrEaKx ******* {H0Rny NyMpH0}! GUSH :: gush ! FReaKy P0rn STarlEt! - 20
(****Willoughby Area*****)
Give me an hour of your time & you won't regret it - 26
(Cleveland, Warrensville Cntr rd & S.Green-residence)
💋💋Dream Girl-Brunett Bombshell💋💋CheckMe Out- Videoproof💋💋100%real!💋💋 - 22
(Cleveland, Cleveland/east/warrensville(outcalls))
[[ *D A N G E R O U S L Y *]]__[[* S M O K I N_ H O T_ B O D Y *]] __ [[* R E A D Y T O P L A Y *]] - 21
(mentor area)
DaMn tHiS {K ! T T Y} gOOd & i PrOMisE YoU'LL gET HOoKeD_ aLL mOrNiNg + I'm WeLL reVieWed - 21
(-AirPorT 24hr InCaLLs -)
•BRAND NEW!! *• ★ •:*•{BBW } ☆¨*:• {SUPER SEXY} • :*★¨*: •{EXOTIC}•: *¨•☆*:•LUNCH TIME {SPECIALS}* - 26
(Cleveland, 71 exit 240)
"BLACK BARBIE" ---- -; ** in Her COFFEE -- ----- ° 4 IN-CALL PLAY °° Last DaY 100 special
(: °♥ * ClevelandArEa °♥°)
****Always Ready....Always Passionate***** INCALL specials b4 10pm - 22
(Cleveland, Beachwood/ university heights)
(Cleveland, Brookpark Rd. Your Place Or Mine)
★★1OO% δωεε† ₰ Cυr√γ ▄ ♕ ▄ δε∂υ©†¡√ε ₰ §€✖¥ [☆] EbOnY/LaTiNa [☆] [☆] Nina Rivera★★ - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland/Email & Texy ONLY!!)
100((ETreMLy Sey ))) EbOnY BeAuTy (((*KiLLeR BoDy! *))) *((*PaSsIoN*!!) - 22
(***** DOWNTOWN Cleveland Incall******)
100 OUTCALLs 》[100 % REAL !] 》》_ _ 》》[ THE PERFECT TREAT! ♥] SpEcIaLz~ - 20
(Cleveland, OUTCALL 24/7)
—— ★ —— ★ —— ★ —— ★ Relaxing Asian Body Work For U ★ TIGER SPA tgs - 23
(Cleveland, 420 W. Market St / 330.373.0303)
*****HEAVENLY T*A*N*T*R*A _____DYNAMIC Healing TOUCH Ultimate Therapeutic PLEASURE***** - 22
(Bedford, Solon)
Educated, Normal, Reviewed Real & Recent Pic Full Body Rubs Eastside - 28
(Cleveland, East of Cleveland)
Free Massage Parlor Reviews - Korean, Latina, Asian, Japanese, Chinese
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
Dont Settle For Less !!! Sensual Nude Mutual Massage N More Starts With One Phone Call To Ashley - 28
(Cleveland, Lake County)
Super Freak Ebony Vixen Hot EXotic Mind Blowin Skills 100% real pics - 28
(Cleveland, your place or mine)
🎀NEW🎀 ✯HOT EBONY PLAYMATE!!★ A1★✯ 100% REAL★✫ Seductive✫ 💋College ✩VIXEN XXX💋✯ - 22
(Cleveland, cleveland east)
My photos don't even begin to do me justice. Find out for sure! - 24
(Cleveland, West Incall/Outcall)
🍯🍯Mz. Sweet Honey🍯🍯come take a dip in my exotic pool🌊🌊~specials~ - 24
(Cleveland, Cleveland warrensville)
LYRIK'S BacK R You RƏady 4 My $£ut¥ Night Specials - 27
(Cleveland, Cleveland ,Euclid Surrounding Area's)
BaCk bY pOpULAr DeMaND!!! ___ {MUST CLiCk} *GeNtLeMeNs ChOIc3* BuSTY ThiCk 'n' CuRvY eBOny Jada Fox! - 20
°°♥ °° I L L B E Y O U R D I R T Y L I L $ E C R E T °°♥ °° - 23
(Cleveland, INCALL ONLY..OFF 77)
Last Day For This Special ,60For Non Rushed Hour With A Sexy Tall Blonde Last Day Call Now - 30
(Cleveland, 480)
📷🎥👄ChEcK oUt OuR nEw PiCs & ViDeO💙{AvAiLaBLe NOW}💚2GiRL SpEcIaL 2gfs at the sAmE time! 👄👅💋 - 24
(Columbus, Hilliard/West Columbus)
Your Undeniable Desire 💋 is Back 😘 👉🏽👉🏽 Best 👄& 💦🍪 around - Here til Monday - 25
(Cleveland, Beachwood Euclid Eastlake Bedford)
♥αvαiℓabℓε ➜➋➍/➆【☆ F®∈AⓚY°】★【 SOfT RoUND BOOTY】★【SiMpℓY * Good【&&JuiCY;】★ - 24
(Cleveland, Airport Area Incalls)
***two for one girls specials and more special*** - 21
(Cleveland, cleveland downtown in/out Specials)
Top of the line. Nothing compares to me!
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
SIMPLY STUNNING⭐NEW PIX⭐..$50 specials $$ dont miss out - 27
(Cleveland, Local in and out call off 77..Newburgh)
✿ ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ GoRgEOUS PeTiTe Asian Playmate AvAilAblE NoW~!~!~! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ •✿ - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland/Akron)
★ ((BEAUtiFUL)) ★ ((ELiTE)) ★ {[BLONdE]} ★ ((UpSCALE))★ ((PLAyMAtE)) ★ - 22
(Cleveland, W 150th St, Cleveland)
Tall & TANTALIZING Super BUSTY Hung TS Beauty Available NOW! Hungry? Let Me FEED Your DESIRE!! - 25
T.S Daniel B Jackson it's about the length and the width 216 302 4482 - 24
(Cleveland, WEST 117 LORAIN)
[ U= N= R= U= S= H= E= D= ]$pecial$ ★ K•!•N•k•Y• ★ EXoT!C• ★ C•u•T•!•E ★ - - 22
(Cleveland, Incalls Only/Willoughby Area)
★.• Want A Rare Experience? The Art of Eroticism With Ultra Busty & Curvy Vixen •.★. - 28
¨¨°º¤ø„¸¸ UÑFØRG€TÀBL€ ¸¸„ø¤º°¨¨ ¨¨°º¤ø„¸¸ SENSUAL¸¸„ø¤º°¨¨ ¨¨°º¤ø„¸¸ PLÀYMÀT€ ¸¸„ø¤º°¨ 216 324 2448 - 19
(Cleveland, 90 east,eastlake,306,271,rt2,)