Fri 03 Jan
Heya 21 year old trans girl Celeste new to town, please check out my ad :)! - 21
(Cleveland, Lakewood/Cleveland)
Hardcore , well endow TsHazel with a touch of delite - 20
(Cleveland, I 271 bishop rd,euclid,wickeliff,mayfiel)
°°SnEaK AwAy & CoMe PlAyೋ °°(( AMAZiNG SkiLLs ))°° ೋ [ *very addictive* ]° ReViEwEd - 21
(**MeNtOr -- InCaLl**)
🍍🌴🍍🌴🍍🌴🔥Ready to B.L.O.W your mind🍍🍍🍍⚠ Freaky College girl on break 🌴🌴🌴💥💥🌞☀🌈😘😘 - 23
(Cleveland, Cleveland, Westside ,East side locations)
Thu 02 Jan
Sexy, petite and addicting 🇮🇹💖💋 call me now you'll love me - 18
(Cleveland, Cleveland/downtown in and out calls)
•♥•* Let Me Make Your Week Better *•♥• *•♥• { Comin.soon} - 21
(Cleveland, In/outcalls...24/7...anywhere)
💕Still haven't found my generou$ devotee/curious guy for my 1st time since i went paralyzed! - 38
(Cleveland, Mid town e45 and lakeside1)
escorts: relocate to Cleveland and make 5-10k a 216 952 9277 for details... - 35
You can have this dream girl once in a lifetime experience
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
Ts Anya. Pure Perfection Here. no False Advertising Or Dissapoiment Visiting Cleveland for 2 night - 25
(I 480 W- Hotel.. 15 minutes from airport)
✿• :SEXY: •✿• NATURAL •✿• SWEET •✿•TS •✿• KATHY!!!!!!!!!! - 20
(Cleveland, Cleveland Hts , Conventry , St. clair)
Left Twn- Sexy n Hot Pretty busty blonde n Ready to Play Guys!! 614-423-9793 - 30
(Cincinnati, Bck in Columbus)
White, Cutie W/ a Booty!! Long blonde hair, STUNNING green eyes! No Rush! All real & recent picts! - 26
(Cleveland, Off 77, 5min frm dwntwn480/271/90)
WHAT you SEE is all US baby!!🍒🍌🐱 2 Snowbunnys ❄🐇 sweeter🍦 than HoNeY 🍯INCALL!! (discreet)! - 21
(Cleveland, askk me off 71 😀INCALL ONLY)
W :: A :: R :: N :: I :: N :: G !!! :♥: EXTREMELY :♥: A * D * D * I * C * T * I * V * E° - 26
(InCall & OutCall)
...(Verified) Good Morning Gentlemen!! I'm Available Now!! White - Bombshell - Now Visiting - (19) - 19
(Cleveland, Independence/Cleveland)
Start off your day or night off the right way......... specials - 23
(Cleveland, northfield road. eastern suburbs)
★.•*¨¨*•- ☆ SEXY N REAL ☆ :-•*¨¨*•. WHAT ELSE DO YOU NEED ☆ :-•*¨¨*•★ - - 21
(Cleveland, 90 West In/Out)
Sexy Blonde Uninhibited Temptress .. Lea .. Not your ordinary encounter! BACK TODAY!!! - 25
(west side and southeast suburbs incall)
** SeXy ChAneL sWeEtS cAli's ToP piCk leAvinG sOon CaLl Now* 408*390*8401* cHoColAte ReDheAd - 19
(cLosE bY/ CalL baBe)
sExY !!▄▄ ❤❤ ▄ ❤ CLICK HERE !!❤ ▄▄ ❤❤ ▄▄▄ ❤ ▄▄ ❤❤ ▄▄▄ ❤ H O T BRUNETTE ❤ ▄▄▄ ❤❤ ▄▄▄ ❤ #1pArTyGirL - 23
EaRly mOrniNg nyMpHo !! 50 qk speCiAl**50 qk* ! sOaKinG WET nAsTy GiRl)) !!! 50 qk sPeciAl - 24
(♥WiLlOuGhBy ArEa♥)
Petite Sexy Blonde VIP Entertainer Available for Upscale Gentlemen - Secret Sexy Encounter Today! - 27
(Cleveland, Independence/Cleveland)
*NEW ~ SEXY ~ EXOTIC* Look NO Further: Angelina Has What U Want & Need!! - 23
(Columbus, North Columbus)
Miss Bombshell in and outcall west side high recommend 100% asian. ID 137634 T/E/R - 40
(Cleveland, West)
long legs, seductive eyes, and amazing skills come see why im well reviewed - 29
March is Finally Here!!! Spring is Right Around The Corner.... Come and Get Your Lovin On with Me!!!
LATE NIGHT DELIGHT SPECIAL ~**~**~ Voluptuous Busty Beauty - 40
◆ ◆ ◆ INDIAN INDIAN INDIAN pRincess LIMITED TIME indIAn inDian indIAn - 23
I'm So Naughty, Dripping Wet, & Ready To Be Taught A Lesson!! I'm Waiting!! 24/7 - 22
(I-480 & 77 ( my place})
````````` ````` Hollywood ~~~~~~~~~`` Black ```````````` BArBIe```````` ```````` - 18
(Cleveland, WICLIFFE OHIO)
*(*(*ExTreMLy -HoT & ExOTic*)*)* №1 ReQUESTED ) * PREMiERE PLaYMATE - 19
(Cleveland, Cleveland Heights)
==== DOUBLE TROUBLE ==== chocolate or yellow petite ===== 100.oo ==== NASTY - 20
(Cleveland, A.I.R.P.O.R.T surrounding ares incall)
✋✋ COME have FUN with ME tonight. 🍹🍭💯 Mz. Indea IS young HOTT n R3@dy😍👠💋 OutcAll $p3CiaLs!!!! - 22
(Cleveland, Westside Lakewood downtown)
ComE gEt uR eArLy giFt. . .SpEciAlS SpEciAlS SpEcIaLs - 29
(Cleveland, outcalls anywhere/ incl E off 480 & 77)