Thu 02 Jan
CALL[Seductive} * ! AnYtHiiNg GoEs ! * ( RiCAN ! ) &© 100% ReaL =)) ((=AdDiCtIvE =)) - 20
(Euclid, 24 hours IN CALL! CHAGRIN BLVD)
♥ [—————— ] ♥ [—————— ] ★ BRUNETTE ♥ BOMBSHELL ♥ CHLOE ★ [—————— ] ♥ [—————— ] ♥ - 23
(Akron/Canton, Cleveland, Cleveland/Akron/OUTCALL)
BrownEyed👸🏼 BRUNETTE👸🏼Barbie Doll💯% REAL or🆓 "Fetish Friendly"💃🏼Outcall 50$ spec - 26
(Cleveland, To your home/car)
::°.°.°.°.° C0M jUMP N2 §0MthiNG G00d .i`M WAitiNG 4 U°.°.°.°.° ItS MY BIRtHdAy AND Im WaITiN On U - 26
(Cleveland, (==>AiRpOrT ArEa <==))
* BUSTY BARBiE* __ ((PERFECT BoDY))__ *★ oO *SUper N@ughTY *Oo★ _^^24/7 bOoTY CALL! - 24
(WiLlOuGhBy/MeNtOr InC@Ll (spclz))
♥_= C_A_T_C_H = ( ME ) =_♥_= W_H_I_L_E = ( U ) = C_A_N =_ ♥ - 26
(Cleveland, ✧ :::AIRPORT AREA ::: ✧)
Busty Brunette Here for your PLEASURE. . . .SPECIAL!!!! NEW TO Backpage - 21
(Cleveland, Macedonia/Northfield)
💋BRAND NEW Beauty!💋💫100% real and ready❗ (Visiting) - 19
(Cleveland, middleburg/ Westside/ upscale area)
CaLL DR.LoPeZ RiGhT Now FOr SuM ThErApy CLICK HERE LeViNg SOoN 3304101025 FrIendly Latina - 19
(Cleveland, westside incalls outcalls everywhere!)
Busty Ebony Bombshell ... KYLIE ... Your provider of pure pleasure and satisfaction! - 26
(Cleveland, west)
{{BRUNETTE BOMBSHELL}} REAL men ONLY!! serious callers only*! - 24
(Cleveland, Pearl Road/ airport area. in/outcalls)
[—————— ] ♥ [—————— ] ★ BLONDE BOMBSHELL!!!!!!! ★ [—————— ] ♥ [—————— ] - 23
(Cleveland, Cleveland/Akron)
!*☆* REAL GIRL *☆* REAL PIC'S *☆* 100% REAL 5 STAR SERVICE *☆*! - - 23
(NORTH OLMSTEAD {{24 hr incalls only }})
Ashley available keep my number. NEW PICS. NEW NUMBER. LOST CONTACTS - 22
(Cleveland, west cleveland. incall. ONLY.)
♥ ♥ ♥ SEXY Lil PLAYDATE ♥ ♥ ♥ * SPECIAL!!! - 25
(Cleveland, incall /outcall - BEST RATES - UP LATE !)
*█* ► *'"* CoMe Un-Wrap This. SeXy. PacKagE * ☆ *'"* (( *SPECIAL* ))* - 27
(Cleveland, Cleveland/LocaL *iN&ouT;*)
allbday specials Come See Me Text Makenzie 216-972-6263 - 29
(Cleveland, cleveland east 216-972-6263)
Are u looking for the ultimate experience look no further 216-971-9963 text Makenzie - 29
(Cleveland, Cleveland. East 216-971-9963)
Amazing Dream..New In Town 80 Dollar Special..!!! - 18
(Cleveland, Middleburg heights by the airport)
{ADDiCTivE}, SeDUcTiVe _ {eRoTiC} _ N@$t¥ & FR@k¥ _WARNiNG_ ((My LOvE iS kNoWn 2 B CoNTaGiOuS))!! - 24
(East/West OUTCALL spclz)
Adventurous Male Wanted !! ESCORT or FBSM or COMBO Sessions Private INCALL or OUTCALL - 38
♡☆☆Alexia☆☆♡ Latin spice come learn what it is too have some of this LATIN LADY - 27
(Cleveland, Northfield rd)
♥ Available NOW!! ((bLoNdE)) TAN ((bUsTy)) DOLL! *NO RuSh* ((gReAt pErSoNaLiTy!)) ♥ - 26
(Cleveland, (( -- AiRpOrT area IN&OUT; -- )))
▓ ▓ ~♥~ SEXY Lil PLAYDATE ~♥~ ▓ ▓ Special Rates ! ! ! - 21
(Cleveland, *UP-LATE* Your place Or Mine!)
Amazing Face starting @ or Indugle IN A MIND FULL HOUR $95 ALL NIGTH - 25
((ALl DAY)) SPECIALS with S0M3 1 SP3ciAl (( OutCallS & InCALlS)) NoW Available - 28
(Brookpark / Cleveland, Cleveland)
*¨¨*:. ♥ Sweet as Heaven... Naughty as Hell*¨¨*:. ♥ Don't be fooled by imitaters!! - 25
(West Suburbs)
ALLOW [ ★ ] ME 2 KEEP [★] YOU COMPANY [★] - 24
(Cincinnati, at your place,call for details)
(♥ L:: A:: N:: A:: ♥) ♥- ► *°{{ aLL Night L0Ng }}°* ◄ ♥ - 24
(WesT-Cleveland &Surrounding; *iN & 0uT*)
Afternoon treats...Sxy, Class¥ Natural Blond Cougar With Amazing Skills.. - 38
(Cleveland, Beachwood)
"Addicted To Love Or Searching For Lust" BootyLicious Ebony Playmate is made to order - 27
(east/west side)
ೋ (((GrEaT RaTeS))) __ ☆ __ [[AvA!LaBlE aLL DaY]] __ ☆ __ (((L!m!tEd T!mE))) ೋ - 21
(___ೋ (((MENTOR))) ೋ___)