Mon 27 Jan
**LEXI** (216)355-6829 $75 Quick Visit! Sultry & Sexy T.E.R. ID# 132764 & 117401 (216)355-6829 - 29
(W.150th & I. 71)
lil blonde riden wud. pics 100% me or its free 410 980 5666. xoxo. 313 493 2918 xoxo - 23
(Cleveland, north olmstead)
🅰 Life-Sized FANTASY💯Specials🌹√¡ρ Tяεα†mεη†💃 by √¡ρ Pℓαγmα†ε🌹 Aℓℓ💈 Amεяίcαη ßεαu†y💯🅰vailable - 23
(Cleveland, 🔸🔹Downtown In & Out🔹)
LeTs PL@y 2 dAy - (☎) - MAKE - a CALL - U - WONT - REGRET - ( ☎ )SpecialS $8O.OO - 24
(wiLlOuGhBy ((nEw HoTiE)) 80 $PeCi@lS)
🌺🌺🌺🌺LETS start your day with an EXPLOSION... call me when your ready...LIZ - 25
(Cleveland, WEST-CLEVELAND I-90)
Lets Get Together and Have and Extreme Encounter Together!!!! You will Not Be Disappointed!!!!
♥♥♥ Let's Harmonize Our Xstany ♥♥♥ Memorial Day Special ♥♥♥ 100% Real Pictures ♥♥♥ - 21
(Cleveland, Surrounding area)
mature Busty Brazilian Beauty ..SOPHIA ... Pure Pleasure and Passion await you! Specials Today! - 33
(Cleveland, WEST)
MARY'S STRESS RELIEVING Full NUDE Bodyrub. White Curvy Girl. Student Special. $12O. 2I6-252-32OI - 34
(Cleveland W117 off i9O or i71)
March is Finally Here!!! Spring is Right Around The Corner.... Come and Get Your Lovin On with Me!!!
MaKe Me T@P OuT! [ 100% wOrTh Ur TiMe ] _ WeLL ReVieweD _ WaiTiNg To MaKe YoU {M} {E} {L} {T} ! - 21
(MenTor AreA InCaLL//OutCaLL)
★* ;°M°A °G° I °C° A °L°L°Y ° -:+:- ° D°E °L°I °C° I° O°U ° S° ★ - - 19
(Cleveland, Beachwood(24 hr)****)
**~**M E L L O W~ M O N D A Y.........want to know what i like to do on my mellow monday's?!?**~** - 30
(Cleveland, in/out calls 24~7 lorain county area)
*M0rNiNG SPECIALS* [BLoNDe] HoT & FReaKy - - - IM A PLeASeR NOT A TeASeR { VeRY OpeN-MiNDeD} - 22
(*❤* MENTOR AREA *❤*)
Lush and Amazing BACKSIDE:: Plus sized Blonde :: Gorgeous Sexy and HOT - 28
(OUT or IN with Ella cleveland)
LOOKS gooD but FEELs Better!✦ PERFECT SHAPE ++ SoFt & BoUnCy ✦ XsCaPe with ME ! - 26
Loves To Spoil and Be Spoiled ((VISITTING)) - 28
(Cleveland, down town cleveland and surrounding area)
LOOK NO MORE / A Perfect Mix of "Girl Next Door" and EXOTIC w/ Flawless Body? Here Now! NEW PICS! - 21
(Cleveland, ** 480 & 77 In/Outcalls!! **)
LOOK WHO'S BACK ◆ ◇ ◆ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ P R E T T Y • F A C E ◆ P E R F E C T • B O D Y ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ◆ ◇ ◆ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ - 25
Looking 4 new regulars-call me 4404528042 Massages-$60 specials FREE lapdances latina/italian - 19
(Cleveland, Cleveland/Newburgh heights)
LOOK----> + ((One)) + {"☆"} + ((BaDD)) + {"☆"} + A*Z*Z* ---+-- Be@uTy!SeXxY - 24
(★Mentor/Willoughby in/out★)
LOOK ⇨ツ⇨♥⇨★ B.E.A.U T.I.F.U.L ツツ PeTiTe Princess ★ One Of A Kind ✔ Real & Uscale«--- - 21
~ LooK No FuRtHeR! ~ FuN * FiT * FrIeNdLy * SaFe * SeRvIcE W A SmiLe! ~ YoUr DrEaMGirl ~ - 24
(Cleveland, Westside)
💕🔷💕 Liz 🔹🌼🔹 Comfortable 🏡 incall friendly 🌸💖🌸 thin & petite 💋🌼 REAL pics 🔷 good reviews - 25
(Cleveland, West side (new location))
©ᗩLL 216-202-5254 •°oO (•♥•) Oo°•(§PƎ©Iᗩℓ) •°oO (•♥•) Oo (NOW ᗩVᗩ¡ℓᗩBℓ€) °oO (•♥•) Oo°• 216-202-5254 - 24
___ NaUgHtY nYmPhO ...::::: BLoNDe bEaUtY ::::::..... LAST NIGHT _____ - 23
(...::::: cLeVeLaNd AiRpOrT:::::......)
LiMiTed TiMe OnLy .... BIG B(.)(.)Bs ...:::: OuTCaLL ONLy ::::... CALL NOW!! 24HrS!! - 25
(Cleveland, OUTCALL ONLY)
★ LE@viNG TOD@Y AT 12pm ★ CoMe GeT Ur HE@d RiGhT ★ DoN'T MiSS Me ★ - 19
*LEXI* (216) 355-6829 Available 24/7! T.E.R. Reviewed!! #132764 & #117401 216-355-6829 - 29
(W.150th & I-71)
❥•ೋ Marriah ❥♥»N E W G¡®£.. *€X©£U$¡V€♥V I P •ೋ 216-816-4537 - 26
(Cleveland, Out All Day everywhere!!!!)
Let's hae some fun!! I'm bored and need someone to play with!! - 40
(Cleveland, Outcall Cleveland Area, Parma Heights)
Malynn💣 finest chocolate drop around call now for a valentins day treat💗 - 21
(Cleveland, middleburg hts parma strongsville)
×❤× MaG¡callY DeL¡C¡OuS FuN* ComE to My MagiC ShoW & LeT Me AMAZE YOU!! ×❤× - 26
(Cleveland, (:::::AIRPORT AREA :::::)LiMitEd TiMe)
Luv 2 kiSs cuddLe Fantasy n Fetishes Call Me Now:-) - 26
(Cleveland, north olmstead,fairview,airport,)
-:¦: M -:¦:- I -:¦:- N -:¦:- D -:¦:- B -:¦:- L -:¦:- O -:¦:- W -:¦:- I -:¦:- N -:¦:- G :¦:- - 23
Lush Blonde with Amazing Curvy Figure:: For gentlemen that prefer Blondes - 28
(IN with Ella Cleveland)
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬► M A T U R E ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬► E X P E R I E N C E D ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬► S E X Y ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬► - 26
(Cleveland, My Place)
LOVELY'S new number and $70.00 LIMITED TIME Deals, deals and more deals!!!! 216 647 6327 - 25
(Cleveland, Greater Cleveland areas.)
Low Specials [v.e.r.y] ♥ O.P.E.N ♥ [m.i.n.d.e.d] ♥ K.!.N.KY ♥ [b.l.o.n.d.e] - 23
(♦ Willoughby In/Out ♦)