Mon 06 Jan
SPECIALS til NOON 100% PUERTO RICAN.. *Professional Specials Call me! 786-768-4246 - - 22
PERFECT 1O ★* _ =*= ALL~NATURAL _ (( LaTiNA GURL)) __ BIG A S S =*= ____NiCe BReasT_ - - 19
(Cleveland, Outcalls east/west)
New Pictures °©★•°PUT ( Me oN ) ) °©★•° ((Your)) °•★©• ° ( ( LiST ) ) - - $70-90-160 - 18
(Cleveland, West clevland//150th)
New SEXY Exotic Playbunny ready To make You Melt!! 330-958- 1935 - 22
(Cleveland, cleveland incalls & OUTCALLS ANYWHERE)
New Quarterback, Same Result.....Mz. Tiffany's Consolation Plan (And Maybe Good News For Newbies)
(Cleveland and eastern suburbs)
((©:*( DOWNTOWN / INCALLS )*:©:))
°•°• NeW In ToWn •°•° I C@n Do M@gIc WiTh My ThIcK FuLL LiPs & CuRvY HiPs •°• $70-90-160 !!!!! - 18
(Cleveland, Airport Area/west 150th)
New New New.... Hot Classy Playmate Available For Classy Gentlemen Big Knockers!!!!!
(brunswick area)
New In Town!! - Joslyn - Incalls & Outcalls - All Races Welcome - 28
(Toledo, Toledo & most surrounding areas)
☆ MoNDaY ♥ SpeCialS ☆ ☆ Let's start your work week with a BANG!! ☆ - 19
(InCall Or OutCall ***CALL NOW***)
Looking For Something DIFFERENT ? [HOLLY] $100 Mature, Professional & Real 330-564-7406 - 28
(Akron/Canton, 1608 EAST AVE AKRON OHIO 44314)
*:?.♥ ?:*¨: M_e + YOU = A _ M_o_M_e_N_t _ 2 _ R_e_M_e_M_b_E_r *:?.♥ ?:*¨¨*:?: New Pic's - 24
(?★?Mentor AREA?★?)
Italian Girl (((( Hot , Nasty , Naughty , Sexy, )))) ******* READY TO PLEASE ********* - 27
JUST LIKE CANDY ..... AFTER Work specials..... 50/70/100 ...216-672-8167 - 19
(Cleveland, 480 Eastside/77/90....Westside airport)
Im Back (((* Tha Main Attraction *))) Come See A Real Playmate // Tha Reverse Cowgirl ! - 19
(Cleveland, Airport Area //SPECIALS ALLNIGHT)
*I'm Your #1 StreSS ReLiever *JuSt One DoSe WiLL Have YOu FeelinG GooD aLL Day anD NighT LonG* - 24
(?★?Cleveland AREA?★?)
I'll leave you Feeling Amazing 5 Star Experience Tight, Fresh & Ready - 23
(Cleveland, Cleveland West Incalls Only)
💖 ▬Grand Opening—★4 H a n d 💋 Soothing relaxing 💋★ Perfect Massage 💋💋 937-306-8696 ★—★ - 24
(3335 Dayton Xenia Rd,Beavercreek, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Dayton)
► Early Bird Specials ► *^*Dont MiSs Out*^* ♥ Best Rates Around ♥ - 19
(**INCALL**(westside)/ **OUTCALL**)
Early Daytime Special Rates!!!! Monday-Thursday THIS WEEK ONLY! Come heat up! - 27
(Cleveland, Southwest suburb of Cleveland)
💕💕DR.Vicky!! THICK LIGHT SKIN PLAYMATE ((50 Rose Special))💕💕 - 22
(Cleveland, Warrensville/Surrounding Areas/In&Out;)
CERTIFIED BomBsHeLL (((█))) BETTER -- T.H.A.N. (((█))) tHe ResT - 28
(Cleveland, Cleveland in&out;)
Cameroonian Beauty Body Rubs By Angel 3304450370 New To Cleveland - 22
(Cleveland, open to incalls mostly outcalls)
*¨¨*-:¦: CAUTION *-:¦:-* YOUR NEW *-:¦:-* ADDICTION*¨¨* U WILL -:¦:- NEVER -:¦:- FORGET ME - - 21
(Cleveland, Downtown,Cleveland,Ohio)
☆ {60QK} NaUgHtY ____NyMpHo ___ {{SO HOT}}___ I'LL__ M_E_L_T___ UR ___ {{POPSICLE} } ☆ - 22
(Clev. AiRpOrT ArEa{{Incall 24hrs}})
***Mens Fall Massage Special! Enjoy a Non-Therapeutic Relaxation Massage***
(Columbus, Canal Winchester)
i am nina fonta first time and I have 100/real 100/femenita 8 'inches funsioneles ONLY 2 DAYS - 21
VISiTiNg :-) ♥★ŸES Y˧ YE§.. ★I LØV€ WH@T Ï Dø =&= IM GøØd At IT♡TOO♥♡C A L L ♡♥♡- - 19
(Cleveland, Outcalls everywhere!)
~ time of your life just a call way**80 special sizzling hot** come & enjoy - 23
(Cleveland, north olmsted, air port)
~~SXy, ExTrmlY SkIlLD CoUg@r PrOwLiNg ThRoUgH Clvl@Nd & WiCkLiFf~~ - 37
(Cleveland, cleveland&wickliffe;)
* TaKe A PeEk* @ ThE ★___MAiN ATTRACTiON___ ★ __*QUALiTY PROViDER* __ *TER 147985* - 21
THE CANDY SHOP 100 KISSes incall only special****** 216_925-7894 - 19
(Cleveland, near 480 eastern suburbs/westside)
STOP HERE !! +++ Thick OR Petite?? Have the best of BOTH tonight!! - 21
(Cleveland, 480 & 77 in/outcall!!**)
௵ *☆°•SPeCiALS °o..♥o°°• •°o♥TasTy ♥o°•ξβθηY • °o♥o• KiNkY pLaYMaTe °o• °..♥θ✔αVαϊlαβlξ ηθϖ - 19
(Cleveland, ((☆::: OUTCALLS:::☆)))
SINFUL SUNDAY TREAT-Don't Miss This-Unlimited Pleasure @ Affordable Rates-Call/Text Now - 30
(Columbus, East Columbus)
*=====* SExXxY *~* B!TCH *=====*** SERENITY ***=====* SExXxY *~* B!TCH *=====*
((©:*( DOWNTOWN / INCALLS )*:©:))
SEXY ::|::#1 BON¥ ::|:: HaNdS dOwN ::|:: DoN' M¡Ss Ou ::|:: RaR ::|:: K¡Nk¥ ::|:: CuRv¥ ::|:: - 22
~**~ Sexii ~**~ Petite ~**~ Chocol@te ~**~ Pl@ym@te ~**~ 24/7 - 22
(I-480 & 77 ( my place or yours))
❤ P_E_R_F_E_C_T please look clients that are calling 4403185459 also under Body Rubs - 30
(Cleveland Heights)