Fri 03 Jan
◤★◢ ▬▬▬IM BACK!▶▶ ╠╣ O T ◀◀▬▬▶▶ BLONDE ◀◀ ▬▬▬ ◤★◢ ▬▬▶💋ⓢⓟⓔⓒⓘⓐⓛⓢ💋◀ ▬▬ ◤★◢ - 24
(Cleveland, ▓ NEW ▓ WEST AIRPORT ▓ ♥IN/OUT 24/7♥)
.° ♥ __I__R__R__E __S__ I __S __T__ A __B__L__E__ ♥°..° ♥ CALL__NOW - 22 - 22
(cleveland in & out)
{{i'M BaCk BOYS!!}} ___ :MIAMI bOmBsHeLL: ____ **GREAT REVIEWS** {{#1 B[o][o]Ty iN tOwN! }} - 25
(((mentor area)))
₮ H E ⭐ G i R L⭐ Θ F ⭐ Y Θ U R⭐D R E Λ M δ⭐ 🌸 E X O T I C 🌸 P R i N C E δ δ!! 🌸 - 23
(Cleveland, 💗upscale west incall / outcalls)
*GiRLS * _* LiKe *_ * Me*_ * oNLy * _* CoMe* _ * aRouND * _ * eVeRY*_ * oNCe* _ * iN* _* aWHiLe* - 21
██ ▐░▐░▐░▐░▐░▐ ██_______ ♛ GORGEOUS ♛ BLONDE ♛ KAYLA ♛ _______██ ▐░▐░▐░▐░▐░▐ ██ █ - 23
(Cleveland, Cleveland/Akron/OUTCALL)
GET WILD with Me! Available for Fun Now! - 19
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
♥• E_S _C_ A_P_E __ ___ F_O_R _____ A _____ M_O_M _E_N _T • ♥ -== $70 SpEciAls - 29
(Cleveland, cleveland/ min frm DT 77/480E)
double ... trouble... real......twin ....sisters ....2girl... specials..... in.... akron canton. - 23
Do U Need 2 Have Some After The Holiday Fun!!! $140/In or $180/Out!!! - 25
(Cleveland, Independence In/Outcalls Anywhere U R)
_____________ ________________ DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOUR WIFE IS... _________________ _____________ - 36
(___________ Independence ____________, Cleveland)
DiScReEt PaRkInG (( 15O sPeCiAL )) AiRpOrT InCaLL (( oPeNmInDeD BuNnY )) - 19
___Õ _ CUrL¡NG __♥H¡GHL¥ _ §K¡LLÐ __◆ @w§oML¥ _ G¡F D __◆ H¡GHL¥ _ RCÕMMNÐ - 26
(Cleveland, {{♞WILLOUGHBY♞AREA ♞}})
Come Join Me In FANTASY LAND :-) 60 Rose Specials ALL DAY CALL NOW!!! - 21
(Cleveland, Warrensville OH)
Deal$ Your favorite playmate 💦🔥 is back with deal$ incalls come play😋 babe!!!!! - 20
(Bedford, Cleveland)
⇨⇨⇨⇨ChASiTY★∴∵★The Best Around★∴∵★ChEcK My ReViEwS★∴∵★FlAWlESS BOdY★∴∵★100% REAL★∴∵★LiMiTED TiME⇦⇦⇦⇦ - 23
(Cleveland, iNCALL LORAiN COUNTY⇦★⇨)
:- C A N ' T -:¦:- G E T -:¦:- A N Y -:¦:- B E T T E R -:¦:- T H A N -:¦:- ME - 20
BrooKlYnS BacK!!!!!!!w/ CrEaM LaFlaIr call now - 25
(Cleveland, W£$t SIde incall & outcall avalable)
*$* Busty, Beautiful, Voluptuous, Brunette, Goddess waiting for you to fufill her desires!*$* - 22
(Cleveland, W. 130th and Brookpark rd.)
Brand new ESTASY 302 752 0296 CALL ME NOW IncalL ouTcall SpecialsS 24/7 - 25
💕CaLL EMMI (216-929-3826) ☆_S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣ot! ♥╠╣ot! ♥ Upscαℓε ☆♡★SEXxy BoOty !~*~!!! - 21
(Cleveland, West 93rd./Strongsville/Lorain rd.)
[[•♥•]] BUSTY EROTIC [[•♥•]] BRUNETTE [[•♥•]] *** SPECIALS!!!!!! - 35
(Cleveland, CLEVELAND ~ SLAVIC VILLAGE ~ off 77)
BoYs PLAY WiTh TOYS and MeN PlAy WiTh THIS... 42 ' BoOty.. 70 / 100 / 130 SPECIAL - 27
(Cleveland, OUTCALL ONLY)
Busty Italian and French Brunette Playmate .. Natalia… Sexy uninhibited fun. Reviewed! - 39
(Cleveland, West)
Busty Blonde Italian Vixen ... Lindsay ... Come into my world of passion and pleasure - 26
(Cleveland, west)
☆☎ ❤ ☆ BOMBSHELL Visiting THIS WEEK!! ☆☎ ❤ ☆AVAILABLE!! Dont Miss Out!! - - 22
(Cleveland, UPSCALEWest)
BoYs PLAY WiTh TOYS and MeN PlAy WiTh THIS... CoME and TrY oUt MY SMiLe ;-) - 26
(Cleveland, OUTCALL)
♥ ♥ CatCH ME B4 I'M GONE !!~~ 100% ME 0r iT'S FREE!! ♥ ♥ - 21
(Cleveland, cleveland surrounding areas)
☆ ...AMAZiNG REViEWS ... ViSiTiNG ... ☆ ... BEAUTiFUL ... ☆ ... BUSTY ...☆ ... B R U N E T T E .. - 23
(Cleveland, Airport area north Olmsted in/outcall)
>> 5* Star Blonde Vip Special Playmate. . . . . no bait'n'switch / no rush / no upsaLe >>>>> - 21
(Cleveland, __Bagley RD, Ohio__)
▄ ▀ ▄ ★ SeXy PlEaSuRe GodeSS ★ ▄ ▀ 100 SPECIALS ★ ▄ - 24
--------> THE PERFECT BUNNY//// 100% Real Pics ((2GIRL Special Available))
✰& #9600 {SeXy} ▄ {SKiLLeD} ▀ ▄ {{ExXxTReMLy} ▀ {AdDiCTiVe!} ▄TER *R* - 23
(#9600 AIRPORT AREA iN & OuT call)
216-732-0917 ANYWHERE and ANYWAY you like! Personal Trainer looking for a WORKOUT! TAM 216-732-0917 - 24
34DD's 《《 PeTiTe LaTiNa 》》♥《《 BiG __ PeRKy 》》♥《《 SoFt __ bOObs == 1OOO% ReaL PHoToS - 21
36DD'S $100 Specails GREAT REVIEWS!!!!!! Catering To The Mature Gentleman 50+ - 38
2 girls for precious and evelyn call (216)882-4314/ 466-3859 - 24
(Cleveland, downtown/incalls/outcalls)
CATCH THE ALL DAY Special 60 PANTIES DONT MISS **SPECIAL*** 216*337*9678 *** 2DAY ONLY! - 22
(EAST cleveland suburbs)
*~*~ $100 SPECIAL!!! *Sexy* ~ *Wild* & *So Willing*!! 100% REAL PICS!!! - 28
(Cleveland, IN calls Old Brooklyn OUT CALLS ANYWHERE)
$100 Specials REAL 36DD's R U A MATURE GENTLEMAN ( 50+) REAL & HOTT PICS!!! - 38
100% Real 🌟Come And Get It🌟No Hassle No Drama🌟Just Pure Pleasure And Fun🌟 - 21
(Cleveland, Brookpark- Airport Incall)
Sensual Angelic Hands With a Sweetness You Wont Forget! - 25
(Cleveland, private- off brookpark road)