Tue 07 Jan
Ts Chantel ... 420 Friendly + Party Girl .... Exotic , Freaky 100% ME or it's FREE - 23
(Cleveland, I-90 Westside of Cleveland/Downtown)
Visiting ➔➔➔➔ ! $100 Special • S£XY • • S £DUCTIVE # 1P!CK!! ♥♥INCALLS NOW - 21
(Cleveland, WARRENSVILLE ♥♥Visiting♥♥)
Trick Or Treat? Dakota is giving out treats (440) 506-2379 - 24
(Cleveland, Lorain/Elyria/ Cleveland)
(`·.¸ (`·.¸*¤* ¸.·´)SwEeT & NiCkI NiGhTs(`·.¸ (`·.¸*¤* ¸.·´) - 18
(Cleveland, cleveland/west side)
👑🍭SWEET n SLIPPERY🍭 ᎶᎾℛᎶℰᎾUЅ[5🌟] 💦F R E A K Y💦 100% REAL🌴🌺 EXOT!C GODDESS [💋] ⒜⒱⒜⒤⒧⒜⒝⒧⒠ 👅 - 22
(Cincinnati, outcall)
SmokiNG Hott PeTitE RedHEad~! GoRgeOuS CuRvY StrawberRY BlONDe~! TWO FOR ONE SpeCiaLS ALL NIGHT ~!~! - 21
SmoKing Hot Playmate! TER ID 134467 & 151939!! 70Q100HH Available 24 HRS! - 19
(Cleveland Incalls (EAST))
Sh@Wty! 2OO SPE©i@L! [×°x°× ATL! ×°x°×] [×°x°× BEAUTiFUL ×°x°×] [×°x°× QuEEN! ×°x°×] - 29
(Cleveland, Willoughby, Ohio; 24/ 7 Private Incall!!)
💦 She Tripping Let Me Slip In 💦 👄 Best Goddess You Will Ever Have 😘 - 21
(Cleveland, Everywhere Outcall)
Sinfully *#* Sexyness*#* Seductive Latina Goddess *#* 330-690-0685 100% ME - 22
(Cleveland, cleveland incalls & OUTCALLS ANYWHERE)
Sexy Mixed Victorious , click here and see what you like 😘😍 216-280-9458 specials ! specials ! - 20
(Cleveland, Incall only)
o*°o SeDuCtIvE PlAyMAtE xXx HoTtIe WiTh A BaNgIn BoDy xXx NaUgHtY °o♥o° TeMpTaTiOnS - 21
°o[[ *SM0K!N H0T Ex0t!C M!XeD Eb0nY B0MBSHeLL*]] °o♥[ *100%ReAL dEaL*]°o[[#1 P!CK*BOYS!!]] - 24
({{ *CLeVeLaNd*24HR OuTCaLL!!!*}})
NEW *❤* SEXY ~ ❤ ~ 5★Upscale**~* BRUNETTE PLAYMATE ❤*♥* Visiting !!!! - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland Incall)
(((NOT THE AVERAGE GIRL))) (((xXx))) I know ill rock your world...THE REAL DEAL fun/thrills - 22
NEw Pi©$ ((Th bE$t)) @V@iL@bL nOw DoNt mI$$ oUt = WlL ReVieWed 5* - 24
(Cleveland, OuTcAlL 90$ SpClz)
" NeW LaTiNa____ $100* ____ $eXy BoDy %100 REAL * ____ DoLl Fac ___ * ____ NeW NeW NeW!! - 19
(Cleveland, Incalls HWY 71 & 150TH WEST)
((( Lola Lockjaw ))) * NeW ♥ NeW ♥ So SeXXy!!! ^ iM BRAND NEW y0UNG & A rEAl H0TTiE!!! - 18
(SLAVIC VILLAGA baby off 77 exit)
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ▆ .°Let me☆°spice up °☆°your night °☆° with something nice_▆ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ▆ - 27
(Cleveland, in call or out call's)
[=°LAV!N SOON °[ SUP® F®AK¥ ] =]° °[= [ B!G =BØØTY ] =]° G®AT ®ATS - 26
(Cleveland, ➊AIRPORT AREA➊)
Lets chill 🌟🌟🌟🌟 specials 🌟🌟🌟🌟 50qv.80hhr.160 special - 25
(Cleveland, Warrensville NORTHFIELD RD INCALLS ONLY)
ImPEcCaBLE skills✓ spaNKaBℓε αSS✓ Real pix✓💋💋 SWeEt N@ughty & very addictive💋💋 - 22
(Cincinnati, Florence)
♡———— GoOoODMoRNiNg BoYS!———— ~SuPeR HoT && KiNKY~ ————— SeXy * ExOtIc * BoMBsHeLL —————♡ - 19
(Cleveland, Cleveland Heights)
♡♥Heaven♥♡ *Come & get a taste of Heaven* Sweet, Sexy, & Ready for you* (216)336-3639 **Outcalls - 22
(Cleveland Downtown, Downtown Cleveland)
Great Weekend Specials.Natural Blonde Cougar $25 off hr in call - 41
(Cleveland, East Side :-$25 off hr in call)
" Heaven leigh!" Now serving Akron in a very upscale area:) cum out and play with me;) 330-957-1615 - 33
(Akron cleveland)
✨ BEAUTiFUL✨Catch Me While U Can♥▒♥★👑 S=T=U=N=N=I=N=G ★♥▒█▒♥CUBAnA MaMi █★ 💯% REAL ! - 22
(Cleveland, OUTCALLS ONLY east/west suburbs)
BaCk In ToWn{{ STaR}} {SKiLLeD} {{BARBIE}}& {{ETReMLy} {AdDiCTiVe!}(24 HRS) - 23
(MeNtoR (24hr) incall)
❤• . ❤••❤• BEAUTIFUL BOMBSHELL ❤ ❤ ViP PlAyMAtE ❤ ❤•• ❤• . ❤•• ❤• . - 24
(Cleveland, Independence area)
Be Debauched, Be Depraved, Be Domme'd..... AC is on HIGH!!! - 51
(Cleveland, Cleveland - West Side...)
Back~n~town !!! GoRgEoUs![ ❤Barbie❤] [✔CuRVy CuTiE ](*1OO% REAL 1OO%SEXXY) (✔incall/outcall - 22
(Cleveland, westside {west Blvd.}/Cleveland east)
ATTENTION * Look And See Who Has AIDS On Back Page Right Now !!! Open To See ! - 23
(Willoughby, Northfield)
ApPLE B ѼTt0M ßARß¡E : SuPeR tHicK : GoRgEoUs BomBsHeLL : { PerFecT sHaPe } - 20
(*:*:*MiddLeBurG Hts. INCALL *:*:*)
♥ B E S T Y O U L L E V E R H A V E . .2 4 / 7 . . $ $ 6 0 S P E C I A L S ♥ - 23
~Young & New~Sexy Nude Erotic Body Rubs~~~VISITING~No Rush HappyMassages - 25
(Beachwood, Beachwood Incall)