Fri 03 Jan
Ebony💋💋💋💋💋 216-889-3467 ❤❤❤❤ Cleveland 💋 your place only - 25
(Cleveland, Cleveland area your place only)
Big Wensday Special Treats. Spen Less With Ms.Akya Im Always Ready To Play... - 31
(Cleveland, Westside Cleveland OHIO)
Beautiful pettie treat 100% real pictures call now in/out - 21
(Call 216-202-8973 ask for nikki in/out, Cleveland)
💋💋💋😘Hi Guys!!! 5'7 160 Pounds 34D 9 thick I'm elegant, and classy, down to earth t💋💋💋❤️😘😘 - 26
(Cleveland, West side upscale)
🔥🔥Ooh La La Sizzle🔥🔥Lie back, Relax, Totally Enjoy Yourself & Zone Out... - 25
(Cleveland, westside/alone)
Now TAKING CALLS ☎☟E¥e CanD¥♥★Full Session☆ Available NoW !!! Your Tasty Treat ♥♡♥ - 22
(Cleveland, W.117th madison)
In Cleveland !~^~ heart ~^~ racing ~^~ beauty ~ BUSTY ~ WHITE ~ HUNG 24/7! Credit cards ok! - 30
(Akron/Canton, Cleveland, Cleveland-Ohio City, Columbus, Mansfield, Youngstown)
Drop👅 dead👄 gorgeous💁 💯% passable ✔️fully🍆 functional💄Exotic 👙👠TS SUNJAI💋⬅️⬅️⬅️⬅️ - 23
(Cleveland, close newburgh heights off i77 south)
Sausage Party 🌭🍆🐴Ts Nyla Longz Has Arrived ..Put Me On Your To-Do List 10FF Lets Party Call Me🌷💋 - 25
(Airport, Cleveland)
Ms.Juicy Back & Ready Fellas Best Massage In the City Let's get Oily Fella's - 31
(Cleveland, Westside Lorain ave.)
★ ★ CoMe EnTeR ThE gArDeN Of Fun! WiTh YoUr fReShLy NeW Ts . Jaslene!! ★★ - 24
(Airport area Bagley road exit)
WeLL ReViewed ———= (♥) —————— TALL GORGEOUS BLONDE —————— (♥) —————— GREAT RATES - 22
(Cleveland, ...☆BEACHWOOD☆..24HOURS™)
Welcome Your Self To A Get Away 💋💋💋Christiana💋💋💋 Available Now - 22
(Cleveland Downtown, warrensville)
VIP Sexy Blonde Companion - New to BP - Upscale Gentlemen Only - 27
(Cleveland Area Incall/Hotel ONLY)
×❤§wt A§ HAvn NaUgHY A§ HLL❤× SOFT & BOUNCY xOxOx PLEASURE ( beyond ) MEASURE! - 20
WESTSIDERS I'm here ...... Hurry I want be here long ✈✈✈✈✈ - 27
(Cleveland, West 150th INCALL/OUTCALL)
VIP 1DAY * GORGEOUS SiCiLiaN-itALiAn * BUBBLE BOOTY * 4'9" 36d-26-46 !!GreAT ReViews 1@@(specials) - 27
(Cleveland, UpScaLe WeSt/ indepENdenCE)
·.¸¸.·´¯☆ ·.¸¸.·´¯☆ The CHEAPER the girl the cheaper the results! - 28
(airport incall and anywhere outcalls!!!)
TOP MEGA STACKED NYC Brooklynzer That Changed The Standard All The Others GIANT TITS Are Measured By - 39
**** The CANDY SHOP Is open 80hhr special **** 216-925-7894 - 20
(Cleveland, Cleveland, outcall/limited incall)
The ToTal Package V®Y ** F®AKy ** G-I-R-L the total package - - 27
(east/westside areas)
The Very Best At Way I Do! Fit for a King. 24hrs 60, 80, 130 - 22
(Cleveland, cleveland airport north)
🌞👑 The ChOcoLaTe🎀 pRinCeSs $un§hine🌞w/ Bonë warming🎆 toe curling 🎉skills👅💦💦👑🌞 - 21
(Cleveland, where eva u need me, incalls eastside)
*•-: ☆ :-•*¨¨*•.♥ The Original BARBIE ♥ Sweet AND Discreet*•-: ☆ :-•*¨¨*•. (440)396-1886 - 28
(Cleveland, 480 and Tiedeman or 90 and W.117th)
Tall, Slender Dark Haired Beauty Available in Cleveland and Akron NOW!!! - 25
(Cleveland, cleveland & akron)
▒ █ S€XY LiL SECRET █ ▒ SpeciaL Rates ♡ *❤.•* 100/full hr.*•.❤* FuLL GirlFriend +UP LATE+ - 23
(Cleveland, *safe& discreet* ~ Your Place or Mine!)
((((*Tha Best Part Of Waking Up Is Audi In Your Cup *)))) Call Am Ask About My Specials !!! - 22
(Cleveland, West clevland//150th)
SP€CiAL ███████ █ ► █ █ ••••► JUiCY •••• ► █ █ ••••► BiG BOOTY FR€@K! •••• ► █ SpEciAl D€LiVERY! - 25
(Cleveland, ★::: OUTCALL ONLY :::★)
♥♡[[ SNEAK ]] ♡♥♡[[ AWAY AND PLAY ]] ♡♥♡[[WITH AN EXOTIC BEAUTY]] ♡♥♡[[TODAY]] ♡♥♡$80 SPCLS! - 21
(Cleveland, WiCKLiFFE/EUCLID AV.)
Start New Year Right... Sexy Cougar prowling cleveland .. for a limited time.... - 41
(Cleveland, westside,fairlawn area)
(s=saturday,s=super,s=special,s=sexy) + low rate = one hell of a saturday funday. - 29
(Cleveland, my place, my bed, my no rush!!!!)
SPANKable BOOTY ★★ Skilled LIPS & T!!GHT GriP N@ughty ★★ YummY & PLAYful C-A-T. - 21
(Cleveland, in/outcalls Euclid nd surrounding areas)
💦Slide💦 in without falling in ...Experience the✊ grip gaurenteed 💯to earn your memory - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland Outcalls Only)
~ SPECIALIZING IN ROMANCE AND INTIMACY ~ 440-836-3801 ~ Chrissy Kisses ❌⭕️❌⭕️ - 40
(Cleveland, Near West-Over 35 ONLY)
_______________ _______________ SMACK IT - FLIP IT - RUB IT DOWN _______________ _______________ - 36
(Cleveland, Cleveland Incall/Outcall)
♦️💋SpeCials Al Day 💋💄 IN~ CA££s ✨⭕️UT Ca££S ✨ ViSiting✨⚪️UT ~ C@££s 💎.....CALL Now 📞💥 - 30
(Cleveland, WeStSiDe Lorain Cleveland ~ InCa££)
°° °° S W E E T B U S T Y B R U N E T T E . . $ 6 0 S P E C I A L S °° °° - 22
*¨¨*-:¦:-* S__ T__o__P _____ a__N__d ____ T__a__K__e ___A ___L__o_O_k. *¨¨* {{NEW 2 Da PaGe}} - 19
❤❤❤❤ Sexxi Latin chick that aims to please!!💋💋💋💋 call now! For specials rate she loves roses❤⭐ - 21
(Cleveland, Outcalls/incalls Near by)
s(¯`'•.¸¸.•'´¯) S€XY ° SuP€R ° S€DU©T¡V€ ° BUS†Y ° DuO ° (¯`'•.¸¸.•'´¯) ®€ADY 2 PL€aZ 2GrL Specials - 22
(Cleveland, cleveland outcall)
★S E X Y★ C L A S S Y ★B E A U T I F U L★ ★5 STAR★ - 20
(Cleveland, Cleveland's Freaky West Side)
★【ᗩℓℓ ᎪℳعRICAη】★【ⅅRعᗩℳ GᎥRL】★【ᎪMAZIℕG】★【SOFT BoOty】★ 🇺🇸 ★ ✘✘💋CASSIE BABY💋✘✘ ☜ 100%REAL&RESENT; ☎️ - 20
(Cleveland, Pearl rd./Strongsville/ Westside)
S E X Y ❤❤Mature 🔴🔴🔴🔴___ ♛🔴🔴 Mature Nice ♛ ____ ♛ ♛ ____♛ Blonde ❤❤❤❤ - 34
(Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Toledo)