Tue 21 Jan
((There @re So M@ny Ch!oce$ {{BUT}} NoNe LiKe M3)) - 26
(Cleveland, Cleeland ( Surrounding Areas)EAST/WEST)
Tired Of Fake Pics & Rude Clock-Watching Girls? Let Me Help You Forget All About Them... - 21
think about the best you ever had and multiply that by ten and your getting close the best there is - 20
(cleveland airport area)
(Cleveland, ★:::OUTCALL:::★40$ off!)
* ♛ *Top Notch Skills Let me Warm U up Today* ♛ *Incall Specials* ♛ * Well Reviewed - 25
(Cleveland, West Side of airport)
unconditional fun with me impossible to prepare experience the best - 24
(Athens, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Cleveland Heights, Huntington/Ashland, Ohio, Youngstown)
Treat Yourself to Something Sweet Petite and Exotic ... SPECIALS this Friday and Satuday ONLY! - 24
TReAT YouR SeLF {2} THe BeST ♥ VeRy SkIlLeD ♥ n@$ty, PETiTE . ExoTic & VeRy FR3Aky - 25
(☼Cleveland ArEa☼last day)
Tina White BBW $100-$300 Everything Included Body Rub & Escort My Place Off i9O Anytime 2l6-252-5OOl - 34
(Cleveland, Cleveland Lakewood Wll7 St get off i90)
TrEaSuRe & TrUE PLeaSuRe!! (L O O K - N O - F U R T H E R) PETiTE BlONdE PlAyMate LaSt HoUrS - 21
(*** AiRpOrT aReA ☜♥☞)
💦💦Treat Yourself To A Discreet, Fun, Flirty, Playful, and Naughty,mature Diana , last day , fetish , - 50
(airport area ,north olmsted, Cleveland)
¡¡¡¡ The Real Madame Here By Popluar Demand ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡COOKIE - 23
(Cleveland, cleveland area garfield hts areas 480)
The sound of a kiss is not so loud as that of a cannon, but its echo lasts a great deal longer. - 27
The weekend is finally here. 🎉 Start your day off with the perfect ✊ massage 🍑💦 - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland Outcalls Only)
The newest and best BBW ComePLAY ....... 216 577 7253 .......... 100 specials Outcall only - 25
(Cleveland, cleveland outcalls outcalls outcalls)
▃ ♛ Thick iz B3$t【Cuddling Weather】❤( SuP€r ♥K¡Nk¥ )❤⇨ SPECiALS ⇦★▃ - 27
(Cleveland, West Cleveland)
THE CANDY SHOP IZ OPEN ... Hhr Matinee special 80in/100out .... 216-925-7894 - 20
(Cleveland, Cleveland, outcall/limited incall)
the sexiest most satisfying woman 4 you call MISTI now 2162103218 - 28
(Cleveland, Near i-77 8 min from downtown)
Tha Best Specials Around Call Now An Dnt Miss Out !!! An See A Real PlayMate 100% Me mE Me - 23
(Cleveland, Airport Area //SPECIALS)
~~~ The OnE u FaNtIsiZe aBouT.... tHe gIrL nExT doOr mAteRiAl... N33d i sAy moRe? - 27
(cleveland/ brookpark/middleburg/ berea)
*************** THE REAL DESCRIPTION OF A B.B.W ************** - 38
T_O_O _____ [-S-] __[-E-] __ [-X-]__ [-Y-] ___TO ______ MISS! U get what u see!!! - 21
(Cleveland, Independence/cleveland)
♥ _______ *T i g h t* __ *&* __ *W e t* __ *M i x ed__D o m i n i c a n* _______ ♥ - 25
(cleveland and surrounding areas 24hr out)
**** SwEeT*** sExY**** and very DISCREET.... .{}{}{}{} ask about my low specials {}{}{}{} - 25
Tasha's Back! Dont Miss Out On This Sexy Brunette! - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland and surrounding areas)
*¨¨*:. ★ ;.:*¨¨* ThE BeSt *¨¨*:iN T0WN *¨¨*:. AVAILABLE NOWWW 24 HR INCall - 21
(***ClEvElAnD AiRpOrT****)
_________ SwEeT TrEaT _________ * * * * * Drop dead gorgeous brunette * * * *(((Real pics! ))) - 23
(Cleveland, Middelburgh incall/Outcall all areas)
The — ♥ — B:a:D:a:S:s— ♥ —B:L:a:S:i:A:n — ♥ —B:o:M:b:S:H:e:L :L — ♥ — - 22
(Cleveland, 5 MIN FROM DOWNTOWN..)
🌟 The DominiCaN Princess 🌟Come StarT YouR MoRNinG RiTe 💜 - 23
(Cleveland, downtown incalls outcalls everywhere)
**ThE *BEST* iS HeRe**{NEW} 5 StaR Brunette Hottie! *** Up All DaY & Night ** - 21
(**W!LLoUgHbY- MeNtOr**)
SweeT * GORGEOUS SiCiLiaN-itALiAn * BUBBLE BOOTY * 4'9" 36d-26-46 great REVIEWS7@ &1@@(specials) - 28
(Cleveland, UpScaLe..WeSt INCALL / NOlmstd)
★ *♚* Sw€€T & R€ad¥ *♚* H¡GHL¥ §K¡LL€D *♚* H¡GHL¥ R3v!ew€D *♚* §¡MPL¥ ¡RR€§¡§tABL€ *♚ Limited Time - 24
(Cleveland, West airport area 24hr incalls)
★ █ ▓ ☰▓ ▒ * ❤.•* T H E * ❤.•*▓ ▒ * ❤.•* P E R F E C T * ❤.•*▓ ▒ * ❤.•* C H O I C E * ❤.•*█ ▓ ☰▓ ▒ ★ - 25
💝💋Sweet Petite Treat 💝💋New In Town💕 Outcall Special✨ Come Have A Little Fun W/Sweet Treat 💝 - 21
(Cleveland, Outcall east & west)
SuPeR nAsTy ___°..°___ SuPeR sKiLLs __°..°__ SuPeR fReAkY__°__ jUsT 4 YoU - 20