Sat 04 Jan
DD WOW !!!!! Look Hottie With A Body!!!! DD WOW!!! Flat Fee $140 No Upselling!! - 35
(Cleveland, Airport Cleveland)
CurvY BeAuTiFuL body Playmate Bunny pretty pink n hell n so - 18
(Cleveland, west cleveland/airport area/independence)
Call Coco - 216-630-1681 $50,$50,$50,$50, All Day long, 100% real pics* - 20
(Cleveland, 271 south to 480west to northfield rd.)
💧Can you be my SPeCIaLs 💦☎ you🎵 Come make it ☔on US🌊 write review save $1〰$20 - 26
(Cleveland, In or out safe private location near new)
CALL BARBIE! ❤ ❇*¨❤▃▆▓▓❀▓▓▆▃ ALL DAY INCALL/OUTCALL SPECIALS ▃▆▓▓❀▓▓▆▃❤¨*❇ ❤ CALL ME NOW! 2162452775 - 24
busty all natural sweetness! pure bliss & kinky fun awaits!
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
BOOTY... BOOTY & more BOOTY ☆(( SO F'in GORGEOUS)) These GIRLS on BP are a DISASTER (B@DDEST) - 20
(Incalls & Outcalls 24/7)
✰ ▀ {SEXY} ▀ {{SKiLLED} ▄ {{&}} ▀ {AdDiCTiVe} GREAT SPECIALS ▄ - 24
(Cleveland, ★ LOCAL IN/OUT 24/7 CLEV & SURROUND)
♥♥Alexia ♥♥ Read before calling please won't answer questions that are already on ad.. - 27
(Cleveland, West blvd)
♥_ ((#1)) _ ((SeXy {{FrEaKy}} BrUnEtTe)) _ ((AvA!LaBlE {{aLL}} DaY)) _ ((L!m!TeD T!mE))_♥ - 21
120 roses special ****** NEW petite BABY DOLL ******** VENUS** 216*956*8100 - 19
(cleveland eastside right off 480)
💋💋100% real(satisfaction guaranteed)LIGHTS CAMERA ACTION💋💋💋Sweet and petite - 19
(Cleveland, Westside(inbound/outbound))
Ladies work for a company with the lowest splits and Safety comes first! Hiring now! - 55
(Akron/Canton, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, ALL USA)
-Sweet, ExTrA-Sexy, & VeRy PETITE NEW NEW PIC'S - 26
(Cleveland, inCall & OutCall all night long babyyy)
T.G.I.F #1 ExXoTiC *SLiPPeRy SpEciALs* SPANKABLE BoOTY (KiNkY FuN) 24/7 - 19
(Cleveland, W.117th AREA inCaLL...)
that white skinny college girl that you always dreamed about? this is your chance!!! [NEW PICS] - 22
(Cleveland, text 216-372-5256 right now)
Sweet pea Outcalls only Euclid area 216-203-0181 - 23
(Cleveland, Outcalls only Euclid area 216-203-0181)
____ ::::: SwEEt :::: ____ ::::: BlOnDe PuErToRiCaN :::: ____ ::::: TrEaT ::::: ____ - 19
SpEciAl _GORGEOUS :bLoNdE: LATINA!!!! *ReAdY aNd WiLLiNg!* __NO RUSH BABY!__ ((24hrs)) ♥ - 27
(Cleveland, Airport area)
Naughty fun with the Naughtiest ItalianXXX Adrianna XXX. $20 OFF Half And Full Hrs - 28
(airport area/Incall)
Mz. sEdUcTiOn iS ===*=== aDDicTiVe ===*=== & ===*=== EnTiCiNG ===*==== 100% {*G*F*E*} ===== - 21
(::::::MENTOR 24HRS:::::::)
💋👍💦Mz. $undae here 4 u D@ddy💦👍💋 5⭐ chick A1 †®ick$ @ 216💖💜 - 21
(Cleveland, eastside n/ out w/ n reason)
(( NeVeRmInD ThE WiFe )) ------- (( CoMe On OvEr ))--- (( CLeVeLaNd'S ToP ChOiCe )) - 19
(Cleveland, Cleveland Airport)
💘 Make Me Your Valentine Sweetheart 💘Miah Just The One You Need 💋💋 New Pics!📷And Video - 22
(Cleveland, Cleveland&Surrounding; Aread Outcall Only)
Come Treat Yourself This Valentines day Affectionate classy playmate - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland/ Westside)
cookie- incall - Lee and Harvard area- 216-469-6256- - 25
(Cleveland, Incall - Lee and Harvard area)
☆☆Beautiful Bombshell☆☆New in town Special - 21
(Cleveland, Upscale downtown in,Outcalls Everywhere)
★_______60 SPECIAL | gr8 reviews | fetish | first timer friendly | discreet | kind hearted - 22
🆕🆕🆕🚺 BeTTer ThAn ⬆️ HER & HER ⬇ 💯 Real 💦Thick & Juicy 💦 Undeniable Skills🆕👅🍆 - 18 - 18
(Akron/Canton, Akron/Canton incalls&outcalls;)
10inch HUNG Bombshell .... 100% Real .... 420/Party Girl - 23
(Cleveland, Westside/Clark Ave.... I-90 west)
#1 ————GORGEOUS ♥ B R U N E T T E ..... ♥ ———— #1 TS AMANDA SUPREME ♥ ———— #1 - 24
SIMPLY STUNNING⭐NEW PIX⭐..$50 specials $$ dont miss out - 27
(Cleveland, Local in and out call off 77..Newburgh)
(((((((( Share My World )))))))) ((((((((( I'm Ms.Magnificent !!!! )))))))))) - 25
(your place or mine)
_______________ So Cleveland...You Have Me For The Entire Week...12/08 To 12/13 _______________ - 19
(Cleveland, __________ CLEVELAND AREA __________)
Ts.Lola The Beauty ★ Real Pics! View My NEW Hot WEBSITE ★ - 20
(Upscale Hotel Indpendance)
Warm Up With a Penthouse and Hustler model!!! GUARANTEED REAL PICS&STATS; - 29
(Cleveland, west cleveland, oh)