Mon 27 Jan
« ★ » SuPeR « ★ » FREAK « ★ » TONITE IS YOUR LUCKY NIGHT**** - 23
(Cleveland, Cleveland hieghts/Taylor rd)
Stunning, hott blonde, waiting for you. No rush or b.s. 100% real. - 23
(Cleveland, south west airport)
Stunning petite Brunette... Adriana ..Hot girl next door wants to give you the ultimate experience! - 25
(Cleveland, cleveland west)
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ★ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ❇❇ ★ Stunning Petite Asian ★❇❇▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ★ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland/Akron)
* [[ÂRL¥ MoRn¡Ng Spc¡ALS]] {¡M WHÄT U WANT} {{¡'M §Ø GØØD ¡'LL HÂV U}} [[§PÂK¡NG ¡N ØNGU]] - 26
❤ •PRESIDENTIAL TREATMENT ° ★•° [ ✔] Chocolate Bunny • °★• °☎BOOK NOW! ❤ - 19
(Cleveland, Middleburgh hts airport area in/out)
New -- Sexxy Flawless Exotic Asian -- Visiting -- Reviewed & 100% Real PiCS - 22
(Cleveland, Akron/ Canton incall)
New Goddess at your Service.. Let me take you to Paradise!! Layla ^716^258^1737 - 28
(Airport Bagley rd area in & outcalls, Cleveland)
New Quarterback, Same Result.....Mz. Tiffany's Consolation Plan (And Maybe Good News For Newbies)
(Cleveland and eastern suburbs)
New~ Mz.TY ~Sexy~ Caramel~ and~ Thick~ With~ Seductive~ Lips~ You~ Wont~ Regret~ Choosing~ Me - 28
(Cleveland, Anywhere)
☆NEW in TOWN ▬▬★★ ▬ Ultimate PLEASURE ZONE... ▬▬ ★★ [××] GREAT GIRLFRIEND 2 THE MAXX [××] - 23
(Cleveland, BrookPArk INCALL)
:*¨¨*:: (((NeW In ToWn ))):*:: AbSaLutLy ThE BeSt SeRvIcE ArOuNd :*:: DANIELLE (216) 633- 0934 - 21
New ~~ Exotic Asian GODDESS ~~ Visiting Akron for this WEEK only!! - 21
(Cleveland, akron/ canton incall)
❤~~~~❤NeW iN ToWn ❤~~~~❤ Mix ❤~~~~❤ SUPER CUTE!! ❤NoOn❤ SpEcIAls~~~❤ - 21
Ne₩ 2 BP ** ₩aNnA $€e MoR€ oF M€? ((OuTca££ Up$cal€ ar€a$ On£¥)) L€T M€ fu£fi££ YoUr FaNta$y$ - 25
(Cleveland, Cleveland outcall all over)
✅✅✅ NEW IN TOWN ✅✅✅ : ✰ EXTREMELY FUN ✰ : ( (=BoOTY FUL=) ) BLONDE vixXeN AvAiLabLe NOW!!! - 22
(Cleveland, Outcalls Only)
Mz. sEdUcTiOn iS ===*=== aDDicTiVe ===*=== & ===*=== EnTiCiNG ===*==== 100% {*G*F*E*} ===== - 21
(::::::MENTOR 24HRS:::::::)
New in town ! Freaks come out at night 60$ short stay In Calls Only - 21
(Cleveland, Beachwood, Orange Vill, Warrensville Hts)
(¯`'•.¸ ☆¸.•'´¯) 💋N_o_t_h_i_n_g _💋 _L_e_s_s💋 _T_h_a_n 💋 T_h_e 💋 B_e_s_t_💋 (¯`'•.¸ ☆¸.•'´¯) - 23
My ⓈⓀⒾⓁⓁⓈ Are RATED ★★★★★: HOT Talented College Girl - Zero Drama & No Strings Attached 504-534-8056 - 20
(Cleveland, ♡$80 $100 & $150 ♡OUTCALL♡)
★ N.A.U.G.H.T.Y ~ N.E.V.E.R. ★~ L.O.O.K.E.D ~ S.O. ~ N.I.C.E •~★ - -GiRl NexT DoOr - - 21
(Columbus, HILLIARD INCALL only)
¡N¢ALL!¡! §edu¢t¡V€ Bl⚫️ND€!¡! Ava¡labl€ N⚫₩!¡! - 21
(Cleveland, Warrensville INCALL! UpScale LoCaT¡0N!¡!)
MY COMMAND * YOUR WISH ~*♥*~ Put M E * on Y O U R ~*♥*~ to do * LIST ~* - 25
(Cleveland, Outcalls only 24/7)
(N_E_W_ ) •★• (S_E_X_X_Y) •★• (B_R_U_N _E_T_T_E) •★• (Avail NOW!) - 24
(Cleveland, downtown,east/west)
Nadia is back★ Specials •★• Well reviewed •★• 100% CLASSY•★ VERY DISCREET !!! - 25
(Cleveland, West Side of airport)
***{{{ Mz. SeDuCtIoN }}}***{{{ aMaZiNg }}}***{{{ RaTeS }}}***{{{ aLL nIghT }}} - 20
(****Willoughby Area*****)
Mz Pretty-you must ask for Mz. Prertty-absolutely no pics-216-647-3834 - 22
(Cleveland, Cleveland/ lee and Harvard area)
.•°*°•.•°*°•. .•°*°•.•°*°•. MUST SEE asian!! .•°*°•.•°*°•. .•°*°•.•°*°•. photo friendly - 22
(Cleveland, euclid)
💕Ms. Victoria is back{NEW PICS}!!..Beautiful Light Skin☆Thick☆Busty ☆☆70 Rose Special☆☆!!! 💕 - 21
(Cleveland, Warrensville/Surrounding Areas)
**** SEXY ** FUN *** ADORABLE PLAYMATES ** *** Outcalls avi.. all over - 21
★☆★☆★Ms. Mac Erotic Massages Grown ★sexy Sessions★☆★☆★ - 25
(Cleveland, west 150th Incalls & Outcalls)
MIXED ApPLE B ѼTt0M ßARß¡E :NeW PicS: GoRgEoUs :|: PeRkY ⨀ ⨀:|: R0UnD Ѡ:| - 22
{ M$. MI@ } ——•—— { D€$¡R@BL€ } ——•—— { €X©€PT¡ØN@L } ——•—— { $€DU©T¡V€ } ——•—— { ¡N©@LL & ØUT©@LL } - 26
(Cleveland, 24/7 SPECIAL; GREEN RD. ♥MIA@4404970642♥)
LoraiN CouNTys best kept secret ‼️African QueeN awaiting her KinG ‼️ 70juicy rate ‼️ - 21
(Cleveland, Lorain County surrounding areas in/out)
💕💕💅👸💆 Massage The Pain Away 💨💦👀They Request Me I'm 🔥their NOT❗Real pics💯or its 🆓TRY MEp👸 - 22
(Cleveland, middleburg incalls only)
💘Miah Just The One You Need 💋💋 New Pics!📷And Video OutcallsOnly - 22
(Cleveland, Cleveland &Surroundin; Area Outcalls Only)
Loooking for the best?!? Then I'm your girl. Just a phone call away. Nikki (513)972-9873 - 30
(Cincinnati, in call Fairmont outcall Cincinnati)
LoVes To Spoil & bE SpoiLeD hOw AbouT yOu?? (( Nutural Red)) (( Incall Available)) - 28
(Cleveland, Independence incall, Surrounding Area.)
💋👍Looking for a getaway for a little while? With me it's all about you!💋👍Erika💋 (216)415-0339💋 - 27
(480 and Tiedeman Airport area, Cleveland)
Lovely brunette Vixen Ava... I want to be your new favorite! Openminded, fun, and friendly!!! - 25
(Cleveland, WEST)
[°×★ Madison ☆ YOUR №❶ * ¨Seductivly Sin-Full¨ Play-Date ★×°] - 22
(Cleveland, 10Mins West Of Hopkins Airport)
☆ LOOK HeRe!! ☆ NeW 42" BoOtY ... I CaN MaKe YoUr ToEs CURL BABY !! ☆ ☆ ViSiTiNg - 23
(Cleveland, BeAcHwOoD BaBy !!)
L👀k! »»» 💯% 💋§AT!§FA¢T!0N💋 Guaranteed!!! »»👉¢l¡¢k⚡h€r€👈«« - 21
(Cleveland, Warrensville INCALL !!!!!!!!!!!!)